One liners, short jokes, funny sayings, puns, etal


golden ticket member
During college, I worked on a conveyor belt. One day, I was on a blind date, and she asked me about my job.

"I work at the end of a belt", I said. With an ebullient smile, she asked, "Are you the buckle?"

-Skip Parker-


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
A distraught investor called his financial advisor. “Is my money really all gone?”
He wailed. “No, no,” the advisor answered calmly. “It’s just with somebody else!”


golden ticket member
If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first? The Dog of least he'll shut up after you let him in!


golden ticket member
You should not confuse your career with your life.

No matter what happens... somebody will find a way to take it too seriously.

When trouble arises & things look bad, there is always one individual who perceives a solution & is willing to take command. Very often, that person is crazy.

Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.

Never lick a steak knife.


golden ticket member
Take out the fortune before you eat the cookie.

"The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above average drivers.

You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she's pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.

Your REAL friends still love you anyway.


golden ticket member
Researchers engaged in a study of longevity in mammals recently focused on a particular species of porpoise, which they studied from their floating laboratory off the coast of Baja California. They believed that, if fed just the right combination of nutrients, this particular porpoise could, in theory, live forever.

To test the theory, they studied many species to see if any naturally occurring organism would have the right combination of nutrients. They discovered a selection in an unusual species of Mynah bird from Kenya, and they sent out a team to gather a specimen.

The specific Mynah bird species was rare, only known to be living in a single tree. The research team arrived at the tree to capture a bird, only to find that the tree was surrounded by several lions underneath.

A suggestion was made that the lions might be manageable if they could be fed, and a couple of antelope were captured and offered to the lions. The hungry lions devoured the animals and lay down to rest after their meal.

One of the researchers then carefully slipped past the lions, climbed the tree, and easily captured one of the Mynah birds. He climbed down the tree and walked past the lions to rejoin the researchers. Just then, a game warden appeared and arrested the researcher for "Transporting Mynahs across sated lions for immortal porpoises."


golden ticket member
The Shortest Books Ever Written.....

1000 Years of German Humor

Everything Men Know About Women

The Code of Ethics for Lawyers

Italian War Heroes

Who's who in Puerto Rico

Americans' Guide to Etiquette

Royal Family's Guide to Good Marriages

Safe Places to Travel in the USA

Jerry Garcia's Guide to Beating Drug Addiction

Contraception by Pope John Paul II

Career Opportunities for Liberal Arts Majors

Cooking Gourmet Dishes With Tofu

Gun Control for The New Millenium: NRA Handbook


golden ticket member
New and approved names:

Couch = people shelf
Books = Manual films
Bracelets = clockless watches
Air horn = spray scream
Feather = Bird leaf.