One liners, short jokes, funny sayings, puns, etal


golden ticket member
Teacher: Johnny, give me a sentence starting with "I".
Little Johnny: I is...
Teacher: No, Little Johnny. Always say "I am."
Little Johnny: All right. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.


golden ticket member
You might be a reneck if...

You've ever been stuck in your own driveway.

You refer to your dog as the dishwasher.

Your car is made out of 17 others and each part is a different color.

You repair your car in the autoparts store parking lot.

You can name all the characters from the "Dukes of Hazzard".

You recite lines from "The Dukes of Hazzard".

You keep track of all the belt holders in all the wrestling leagues.

You got married in the family car, in a drive-thru chapel.

You search your computer monitor for the dial that changes channels.

Your idea of a fancy dessert is "moon pie ala mode".


golden ticket member
A woman was trying hard to get the catsup to come out of the bottle. During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her four-year-old daughter to answer the phone.
"It's the minister, Mommy" the child said to her mother.
Then she added, "Mommy can't come to the phone right now. She's hitting the bottle."


golden ticket member
  • What do you call Santa’s helpers?
    Subordinate Clauses.
  • What’s a good Christmas tip?
    Never catch snowflakes with your tongue until all the birds have gone south for the winter.
  • What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?
    Answer: It's Christmas, Eve!
  • What did the big angel say to the little angel on Christmas Eve?
    Answer: Halo there!
  • If Santa Claus is crossed with a detective then you would get what?
    Answer: Santa Clues


golden ticket member
Q. What do you call an Eskimo cow?
A. An Eskimoo.

Q. How is the Christmas alphabet different from the ordinary alphabet?
A. The Christmas alphabet has NO EL.

Q. What do the elves sing to Santa Claus on his birthday?
A. Freeze a jolly good fellow . . .

Q. What do you call a cat on the beach at Christmastime?
A. Sandy Claws!

Q. Why are Christmas trees such bad knitters?
A.They are always dropping their needles.


golden ticket member
Christmas Service

It was a cold and misty Christmas morning in the very depth of Winter after a heavy fall of snow and only one farmer and the minister managed to arrive at the church for the morning service. 'Well' said the clergyman 'I guess there's no point in having a service today.' 'Well that's not how I see it. said the farmer. If only one cow turns up at feeding time, I still feed it.'


golden ticket member
  • Santa rides in a sleigh. What do elves ride in?
    Answer: Mini vans!
  • What do you call an elf that tells silly jokes?
    Answer: A real Christmas card!
  • Where do you find elves?
    Answer: Depends where you left them!
  • What would you call an elf who just has won the lottery?
    Answer: Welfy


golden ticket member
Groups of Americans were traveling by tour bus through Holland . As they stopped at a cheese farm, a young guide led them through the process of cheese making, explaining that goat's milk was used.

She showed the group a lovely hillside where many goats were grazing. 'These' she explained, 'Are the older goats put out to pasture when they no longer produce.' She then asked, 'What do you do in America with your old goats?'

A spry old gentleman answered, 'They send us on bus tours!


golden ticket member
Sue reports for jury duty as ordered, and promptly asks to be excusedbecause she believes she's prejudice.
"I took one look at those shifty eyes and that cheap polyester suit and Iimmediately knew that he was guilty as sin."
"Sit down," says the judge. "That's the prosecuting attorney."


golden ticket member
How to say "you're stupid" without actually saying it......

Lights not burning too bright.
Like a barometer -- vacuum at the top.
Like a loose-leaf folder in winter.
Like a one-armed man climbing a rope.
Likes dunking for french fries.
Little red choo-choo's gone chugging 'round the bend / jumped the track.
Lives in La-la-land.
Lives in the same world, but a different universe.
Living proof that nature does not abhor a vacuum.
Long on dry wall, short on studs.
Looking for a nickel in the corner of a circular room.
Looks for the "Any" key.
Loose chip on the microprocessor board.
Loose wire to his headset/ringer.
Low on thinking gas.


golden ticket member
