PCM about pokemon GO


Well-Known Member
Is it bad that I also have this game and now know all the pokestops and gyms along my route? You know, so I can expect the unexpected from people playing the game.


nowhere special
I never had the slightest interest in pokemon but this game is good in that it does get kids (and adults?) outside to exercise. Bad that those people will probably be stumbling around like zombies.


Well-Known Member
That sounds more like the robbers waited to ambush at a known pokemon spot. An earlier report I saw said the robbers hacked or planted that spot into the game to lure victims but it doesn't sound like that is what really happened.
Yes but there's going to be one that will like that idea


nowhere special


Well-Known Member
The river park I kayak at has like 20 pokestops in it and is usually not very busy even on weekends, yesterday it was full of people staring at their phones.


Well-Known Member
I caught one on my way back to my package truck but I made sure no one was around to see me walk around looking like a doofus in my browns.


Well-Known Member
This was on the NBC Nightly news this evening. There have been numerous injuries and even a death attributed to the game. The person who died was so focused on their game that they failed to see the hill that they rolled down and then fell face first in to the water.