Presidential Debates 2016- The DRUMPF meltdown has begun..!


Well-Known Member
Aside from his dehumanizing attitude towards women and total lack of integrity, he has no concept of diplomacy and no understanding whatsoever of foreign policy. He has no understanding of military issues. He has no tact or compassion, and he is easily provoked in to rash, foolish statements. He is unfit to possess the launch codes for 2500 nuclear warheads. There is no precedent for someone who has never served the public in any capacity to be promoted to the highest and most powerful office in the nation, or the entire planet for that matter. This is real life for 5 billion people, not a reality TV show.

You have to stand in awe of the actual control the mainstream media has on the millions of ignorant Americans.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
One can strongly disagree with Hillary on many issues and have serious doubts about her integrity while at the same time recognizing that Trump is a far worse choice. I do not support Hillary at all but this is the textbook example of being forced to choose between the lesser of two evils.