Road Runners.


I ran a five miler this morning and blew my right calf out a half mile from the finish. I hobbled into the woods to find a stick suitable to substitute for a cane, and finished.
I missed the start by more than 3 minutes and didn't pass the back of the pack until the three quarter mile mark.
I ran out of Jameson last night and switch to Dos Equis beer. I don't think there is a connection between Dos Equis beer and a blown out calf muscle. But I'll never do that again.
Stay thirsty my friends.
Damn that Dos Equis!

This new forefoot training is making my calves ache, though less now, but still! I ran 8 miles with 2 good friends today, avg a 7:40 pace, and afterward, hitting the gym for a tuneup. I'm feeling pretty good right now!

I hope the calf returns soon. Keep on truckin, brotha!

outta hours

Well-Known Member

He will get you every time

outta hours

Well-Known Member
X training day for me today. An hour of racquetball at 6am with my training partner. Then a swim for me. A good way to start the weekend, and a weeks VACATION.


Box Monkey
Ran my first trail run this past weekend. It was called the Dark and Dirty It started at 8:15 PM. It was in the dark and in the rain. 397 people running through the woods with headlights on for 6.66 miles. One hell of a distance. It was definitely a new experience and I will probaby do it again. No pics of me really in the event but my shoes did not look the same afterwards. They were white when I started :( BTW, I finished 207th



Trail running and Ultra's! My buddy just finished 3rd O/A in the Keys 100 miler. Ugh, I couldn't imagine this, but then again, I never pitured myself running full marathons. Hmmm?

Congrats to you, cement, you're a freaking beast!


Box Monkey
Careful bro, trail running has a tendency to be addictive :wink2:

No doubt. I ran cross country in high school and I have forgotten how much more I prefer all offraod running that on road. The constant changing scenery is the best. And having to be aware of where you are running makes you nnot think about your body aching. I am actually really considering making my next 1/2 marathon a trail half down in Philly. It's an A to B race instead of an out and back. It runs along a creek for the whole length of the race so that should lend to it being a little cooler the length of the run. Cooler is good!!


No doubt. I ran cross country in high school and I have forgotten how much more I prefer all offraod running that on road. The constant changing scenery is the best. And having to be aware of where you are running makes you nnot think about your body aching. I am actually really considering making my next 1/2 marathon a trail half down in Philly. It's an A to B race instead of an out and back. It runs along a creek for the whole length of the race so that should lend to it being a little cooler the length of the run. Cooler is good!!
Unless you're careening down a huge hill on your bicycle with temps in the low 60's?


Well-Known Member
Just ran my first 5k race this last weekend. Not nervous at the start at all. Have done hundreds of bike races in a previous life (before brown). I did two runs in the month leading up to this race. Ran 5k with my girlfriend twice at 9-10 minute mile pace. That was walk in the park easy to me. Did the 5k race with a time of 23:49. Was the fastest I've run in over 10 years. I wasn't even breathing hard. My heart and lungs could go much quicker. My legs however... My legs are still sore. They hurt bad.

So I'm going to try to start running 2-3 times per week just to get my muscles used to running. then start some interval training. Hoping to get to sub 20 minute 5k by the end of the summer.


Just ran my first 5k race this last weekend. Not nervous at the start at all. Have done hundreds of bike races in a previous life (before brown). I did two runs in the month leading up to this race. Ran 5k with my girlfriend twice at 9-10 minute mile pace. That was walk in the park easy to me. Did the 5k race with a time of 23:49. Was the fastest I've run in over 10 years. I wasn't even breathing hard. My heart and lungs could go much quicker. My legs however... My legs are still sore. They hurt bad.

So I'm going to try to start running 2-3 times per week just to get my muscles used to running. then start some interval training. Hoping to get to sub 20 minute 5k by the end of the summer.
Good luck! Make sure you have the proper footwear, don't overtrain and have fun.


Staff member
OK Jones.... what's your opinion? worth a try?
Which race are you looking at? 100K is no joke and that's a hilly course, but September is a beautiful time in the mountains so it's got that going for it. Gil and Francesca are shameless self promoters but they do put on a good race, I've never heard any complaints about the level of support. I think I told you that I ran a 25K of theirs in that area a few years back and it was a good time, Ms Jones came in 3rd that day and got a very nice technical shirt that she still trains in. Make a 3-4 day trip out of it and spend some time in Charlottseville, visit Monticello, take some pictures on the Blue Ridge Parkway. It really is beautiful that time of year so even if you don't have the best race you can still have a good time.


The course maps are up, check out the elevation profile for the 100k. I hope you're getting your miles in.
My buddy is doing the Ft Clinch race on Amelia Island, tomorrow. It's a 100 miler!!! Check him out, Bradford Lombardi. I have another buddy running the 50 miler, Will Glover. I WILL NOT be running anything that far, for sure, though I am making a comeback from my groin and foot issues, having worked back up to a 10 mile base. Oh, the love of running!


Staff member
My buddy is doing the Ft Clinch race on Amelia Island, tomorrow. It's a 100 miler!!! Check him out, Bradford Lombardi. I have another buddy running the 50 miler, Will Glover. I WILL NOT be running anything that far, for sure, though I am making a comeback from my groin and foot issues, having worked back up to a 10 mile base. Oh, the love of running!
Good luck to your buddies. I've never run a 100, back when I first started running ultras I figured it was a natural progression and that I would run one at some point but that was almost 15 years ago and so far I've never had the desire to go any further than 50. Glad to hear you're on the comeback trail :happy2:.

By the way, do you happen to know Bob Pope? I think he's from down your way.


Well-Known Member
The course maps are up, check out the elevation profile for the 100k. I hope you're getting your miles in.
If I run it it will be the 50k. I am in no shape to attempt that 100k.... it looks like a beast.

I havent done an ultra since October and took some time off in the early spring and have just really started to get some hills and mileage in. I really want to give a 50 miler a crack but need to learn more about my pace and esp keeping salt in me. I really got sick on my stomach last time. Here may be my next long distance. Not a true ultra but looks fun and will let me get back in tune. Check it out..... the Dupont run


Good luck to your buddies. I've never run a 100, back when I first started running ultras I figured it was a natural progression and that I would run one at some point but that was almost 15 years ago and so far I've never had the desire to go any further than 50. Glad to hear you're on the comeback trail :happy2:.

By the way, do you happen to know Bob Pope? I think he's from down your way.
My buds are running, as I type this. It's WAY hot here, so I wish them the best. I've never heard of Bob Pope.


I've been working my way back since my injury and now have a 15 mile base, at a 7:45 pace. Still building, and am looking forward to my race in December.