Seemingly uncaring mgt

I Am Jacks Damaged Box

***** Club Member (can't talk about it)
Obviously you were not following safe working methods.

I Am Jacks Damaged Box

***** Club Member (can't talk about it)
Not really, hes a SHOE EXPERT n wants to go into FULL TIME SUPERVISION. I already got homeboy figured out months ago. Easy 1 to decipher on character n who n what he is for most part. Super easy really, just sitting back while the mad scientist figures homeboy out lol.

Nah, he's just your garden variety Captain Obvious. Nothing more.


Oh Yeah
Nah, he's just your garden variety Captain Obvious. Nothing more.
Your always going to have people that think they know everything and are self centered with no care n respect for others. Kinda like that other JACKASCZZ LOSER nobody likes, and I don't need to even say a name on that 1 lol. Its a shame really that people have that type of disrespect and hate in their heart, mind and soul really, god bless them if they can live their life that way. For most part everybody on here is chill n respectful of others. We may not all agree and have our different opinions on things but its a respectful disagreement for the most part, I would say in my opinion anyway.


Geek in Brown
You do know that frontline management actually has nothing to do with that right? All of our numbers are set by IE. We don't wake up and choose to give you a 9.5 dispatch. IE says that's the proper stop count for your route. If we don't hit it, we get screamed at. It isn't as black and white as everybody makes it. We put plans into action, we don't create them. Trust me I hate the plans they make for us as much as you do. I've called IE before and told them to come down to my center and tell me how I run an operation efficiently with the amount of people they let me have.
Nah they wake up and choose to give me an 8.5 hour dispatch so I don't file another 9.5 grievance.


Package Center Manager
And then for a center manager to lie on record? Why or would it be so hard to tell the higher ups, look he did it right and just got injured?

If you did it right you would not have gotten injured...seriously! Did you pull that back muscle...I was bending at the knee's, yes you were when you did it, but the 4 million times you did it wrong before that you weakened that back muscle and it finally gave out.

I Am Jacks Damaged Box

***** Club Member (can't talk about it)
If you did it right you would not have gotten injured...seriously! Did you pull that back muscle...I was bending at the knee's, yes you were when you did it, but the 4 million times you did it wrong before that you weakened that back muscle and it finally gave out.

How is this error even possible?


Well-Known Member
They don't care. And I don't care, that they don't care. Doesn't bother me one bit. Sooner you are OK with that, the better. The feeling is mutual. If I know my on-car or another on-car misses time for something, when they get back I don't ask how they are, because I don't care


Pineapple King
If you did it right you would not have gotten injured...seriously! Did you pull that back muscle...I was bending at the knee's, yes you were when you did it, but the 4 million times you did it wrong before that you weakened that back muscle and it finally gave out.
And you got your medical license from where? I'm really curious as to why so many of you gave up practicing medicine to manage at UPS.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
If you did it right you would not have gotten injured...seriously! Did you pull that back muscle...I was bending at the knee's, yes you were when you did it, but the 4 million times you did it wrong before that you weakened that back muscle and it finally gave out.
So what would your reasoning be when their knees finally gave out?


Never bought my own handtruck
If you did it right you would not have gotten injured...seriously! Did you pull that back muscle...I was bending at the knee's, yes you were when you did it, but the 4 million times you did it wrong before that you weakened that back muscle and it finally gave out.


Well-Known Member
And you got your medical license from where? I'm really curious as to why so many of you gave up practicing medicine to manage at UPS.
LMAO. I have said something of this variety to so many of my supervisors when they want me to fill out UPS worksheets, and safety committee stuff having to do with what I do outside of work.

I have also heard multiple times with sups talking to other people something along the lines of "are you sure you need to see a doctor, I don't think its that bad". Saw a guy with his hand ripped up, guy was in so much pain he was white as a sheet and was obviously not real coherent. took 3 sups standing around him for 30 mins before they took him to the doctor.

Dragon, let me ask you a question. Real answer here. Box drops on your head/neck from overhead belt. Is it really your fault because you were not aware of changing conditions??? or is it the 2nd sup that decided to turn on the belt without telling anyone...and no it wasnt the 2nd sup that turned it was the 1st one. Saw it happen, and they blamed the employee because obviously he should be able to see in a 360 degree circle at all times.


Well-Known Member
oh and in b4 well thats what the buzzers are for. Our belts go off continuosly. We have a buzzer sounding about every 30 secs some nights good nights maybe every 1.5 minutes. bad nights like the one in question, we had 3 belts off at the same time...


Lunch is the best part of the day
How is it that the supervisors get hurt on the job
The full time safety supervisor got a torn rotator cuff while "demonstrating" the proper methods.