Shooting at Oregon Community College


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If I owned a business, I most certainly would have the right to set the rules, which would include "no guns".

Under Oregon law, you would have the right to demand that I leave IF you saw that I was carrying a gun, and if I refused I would then be guilty of trespassing.

What you DONT have the right to do...even on your to criminalize behavior ( such as concealed carry by a person with a permit) that is otherwise legal.

In other words...concealed means concealed.


Well-Known Member

Under Oregon law, you would have the right to demand that I leave IF you saw that I was carrying a gun, and if I refused I would then be guilty of trespassing.

What you DONT have the right to do...even on your to criminalize behavior ( such as concealed carry by a person with a permit) that is otherwise legal.

In other words...concealed means concealed.

Fair enough.

Suppose I install a metal detector just inside my front door. You walk in and it lights up like a Christmas tree. Do I then have the right to ask if you are carrying a concealed weapon?


Engorged Member
idiots speak

Yes, you spoke, so idiocy is confirmed. Are you one of those folks who open carry just to "protect" their rights? I see them all the time on YouTube, where a couple of TeaCons will open carry a long gun downtown and then wait for the inevitable phone calls from concerned citizens. Then, a bunch of police show-up, and a long discussion of the law ensues, whereupon the TeaCons get their rights verified. In the meantime, normal people are terrified, police sources are wasted, and everyone but the instigators are all upset.

Then, the TeaCons go home and masturbate over the latest issue of Gun Digest.

I live in a state where open carry is legal, and I really hate it when someone walks into a store toting their Glock, just itching for someone to question them or call police. Does all of this make you people feel like real men or something?

Jesus, I just don't get it.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Open carry in most instances is a form of political free speech...much like flag-burning, naked bike rides or Westboro Baptist protesters. I am a gun rights supporter but I find the open carry of long guns near schools to be highly offensive.


Engorged Member
I thought the way your fellow Oregonians (Oreganites?) treated our President was highly disrespectful.

For once, I agree with you. Obama was there doing his job, and the local inbreeds had a field day doing everything possible to disrespect the man.

Disgusting, retarded, and unpatriotic to the extreme.


Inordinately Right
For once, I agree with you. Obama was there doing his job, and the local inbreeds had a field day doing everything possible to disrespect the man.

Disgusting, retarded, and unpatriotic to the extreme.
If disrespecting the president is unpatriotic I'd say our history is filled with a lot of unpatriotic patriots.


Well-Known Member
If disrespecting the president is unpatriotic I'd say our history is filled with a lot of unpatriotic patriots.

I disrespect the President or any other politician every chance I get and they grant me numerous reasons to do so! ;)

"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable."

H.L. Mencken


Engorged Member
If disrespecting the president is unpatriotic I'd say our history is filled with a lot of unpatriotic patriots.

You misinterpret me. The Oregonians were generally of the Tea Party type who hate , Obama for all of the usual stupid reasons. Sure, they have the right to dissent, but it's the same old stuff with Mr. Obama.

What do you think of the 2 neighboring counties that surround Umpqua CC giving the President their "OK" to visit in spite of their political differences? That isn't dissent, that's disrespect.


Engorged Member
Hey Obama said this was the time to make things political.... well there ya go... mission accomplished

There is civil dissent and discourse, neither of which took place in Oregon. Showing-up in Roseburg is like appearing in Sandy Hook or in New Orleans post-Katrina.

It's what Presidents do


Inordinately Right
You misinterpret me. The Oregonians were generally of the Tea Party type who hate , Obama for all of the usual stupid reasons. Sure, they have the right to dissent, but it's the same old stuff with Mr. Obama.

What do you think of the 2 neighboring counties that surround Umpqua CC giving the President their "OK" to visit in spite of their political differences? That isn't dissent, that's disrespect.
If after 7 years of "go back to Kenya" signs, you still can't laugh at the stupid people who wave them, you're not doing political entertainment right.
I'd say there's a fine line between dissent and disrespect. If there is one at all, it's in the eye of the beholder.