Shooting at Oregon Community College


Well-Known Member
There is civil dissent and discourse, neither of which took place in Oregon. Showing-up in Roseburg is like appearing in Sandy Hook or in New Orleans post-Katrina.

It's what Presidents do
No President I know of in a situation like this has blatantly announced that it was time to make it political.... he got what he insisted on...


Inordinately Right
No President I know of in a situation like this has blatantly announced that it was time to make it political.... he got what he insisted on...
And his opponents obliged, and now we're all talking about it. Which is exactly what he wanted. In today's world I don't think that's a good thing for 2nd amendment advocates. Might have been better to ignore him.


Well-Known Member
And his opponents obliged, and now we're all talking about it. Which is exactly what he wanted. In today's world I don't think that's a good thing for 2nd amendment advocates. Might have been better to ignore him.
I don't think it was good,,,, period.... shoulda simply been there for the families.... time to push his agenda later....


Well-Known Member
Politicians politicize and manipulate events for their own agendas and advantage. Obama in Oregon was playing to an audience in the same way that the Huckster was in Kentucky doing the same.


Well-Known Member
If after 7 years of "go back to Kenya" signs, you still can't laugh at the stupid people who wave them, you're not doing political entertainment right.
I'd say there's a fine line between dissent and disrespect. If there is one at all, it's in the eye of the beholder.

I could give a blank less about the signs. What I found reprehensible were the people who choose to show up openly carrying shotguns.


Well-Known Member
Politicians politicize and manipulate events for their own agendas and advantage. Obama in Oregon was playing to an audience in the same way that the Huckster was in Kentucky doing the same.

I would be curious if Huckabee even personally agreed with Davis' position or if he was like the rest of us and just wished that she would shut up and do her damn job.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I thought the way your fellow Oregonians (Oregonites?) treated our President was highly disrespectful.
There are 2 Oregons.

Portland and the Willamette Valley are where the majority of the population lives. This area tends to be extremely diverse, liberal, Democratic, and pro-Obama.

The Oregon coast, southern Oregon, and eastern Oregon are more rural, more working-class, almost exclusively white, and far more conservative. These areas resent the Willamette Valley for passing laws that impact the entire state.

Roseburg...where the shooting a very conservative logging town. Most people there hunt, and the rate of gun ownership is about 100%. That area is also economically depressed and underserved by law enforcement. There is also a huge resentment against the Federal government because the Federal government owns a huge amount of land in the area and prevents logging on it, which creates a chronic shortage of tax revenues for local communities. Police response times in areas outlying Roseburg can be up to one hour, if at all. As a result, people rely upon themselves and their guns for protection in a way that might seem foreign to someone accustomed to city life. They don't appreciate a President who flies in from a thousand miles away and tries to blame gun ownership for a tragedy that happened in their community.

Obama was actually greeted quite warmly in Oregon. He had to land in Eugene, which is an uber-liberal college town full of Obama supporters, because it was the closest city to Roseburg with a runway big enough for Air Force One to land on. He then flew 90 miles south to Roseburg by helicopter, and pretty much landed in a totally different world.

I don't necessarily agree with disrespecting Obama, but I am from this state and I can understand their frustration with him in a way that you cannot.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You misinterpret me. The Oregonians were generally of the Tea Party type who hate , Obama for all of the usual stupid reasons. Sure, they have the right to dissent, but it's the same old stuff with Mr. Obama.

What do you think of the 2 neighboring counties that surround Umpqua CC giving the President their "OK" to visit in spite of their political differences? That isn't dissent, that's disrespect.
Oregon supported Obama in the last 2 Presidential elections.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
If after 7 years of "go back to Kenya" signs, you still can't laugh at the stupid people who wave them, you're not doing political entertainment right.
I'd say there's a fine line between dissent and disrespect. If there is one at all, it's in the eye of the beholder.
These people have been proven embarrassingly wrong about every single issue that they've been passionate about over the last fifteen years -- from Saddam Hussein and 9/11, to Iraq, to the deficit, to Fast and Furious, to birth certificates, to the Affordable Care Act, to Benghazi, to Ebola, to basic math and science. Guns are all they have left.It's pretty damn clear that thinking isn't a regular part of their existence...........


Engorged Member
There are 2 Oregons.

Portland and the Willamette Valley are where the majority of the population lives. This area tends to be extremely diverse, liberal, Democratic, and pro-Obama.

The Oregon coast, southern Oregon, and eastern Oregon are more rural, more working-class, almost exclusively white, and far more conservative. These areas resent the Willamette Valley for passing laws that impact the entire state.

Roseburg...where the shooting a very conservative logging town. Most people there hunt, and the rate of gun ownership is about 100%. That area is also economically depressed and underserved by law enforcement. There is also a huge resentment against the Federal government because the Federal government owns a huge amount of land in the area and prevents logging on it, which creates a chronic shortage of tax revenues for local communities. Police response times in areas outlying Roseburg can be up to one hour, if at all. As a result, people rely upon themselves and their guns for protection in a way that might seem foreign to someone accustomed to city life. They don't appreciate a President who flies in from a thousand miles away and tries to blame gun ownership for a tragedy that happened in their community.

Obama was actually greeted quite warmly in Oregon. He had to land in Eugene, which is an uber-liberal college town full of Obama supporters, because it was the closest city to Roseburg with a runway big enough for Air Force One to land on. He then flew 90 miles south to Roseburg by helicopter, and pretty much landed in a totally different world.

I don't necessarily agree with disrespecting Obama, but I am from this state and I can understand their frustration with him in a way that you cannot.

A lot of states have Progressive urban areas surrounded by ultra Conservative rural areas. You don't have to go far out of Portland or Eugene (ultra Liberal) to find Bible-banging, Sasquatchian, gun-loving, Conservitards.

California is surprisingly Conservative once you're out of the major cities.


Well-Known Member
A lot of states have Progressive urban areas surrounded by ultra Conservative rural areas. You don't have to go far out of Portland or Eugene (ultra Liberal) to find Bible-banging, Sasquatchian, gun-loving, Conservitards.

California is surprisingly Conservative once you're out of the major cities.
So you're a city Christian hatin, gun grabbin, libertard?


Pees in the brown Koolaid


Engorged Member
So you're a city Christian hatin, gun grabbin, libertard?

I don't hate Righties...even you. I just think they're kind of slow and very fixated on a few issues that confirm a lack of intelligence and rational thought. My wife is Christian, as are most of my friends. I own 3 guns, and have a CCW, and I don't want your .22 Ruger that you strap-on your waist when you pretend to be a Green Beret.

Wrong again.