The morning reports



right... like the eri is gonna change things.I read the other night something Jim Casey said,in order to become a big man,you have to be a small man first(something like that)well it seems his integrity has been undermined by money hungry executives that have lost touch with reality.
So much for the customer.


You and I are in the same boat as far as the target being on our backs.
I was selected for the "overallowed of the week" club recently.
I average 1.4 over daily on a very extended run.
My supervisor did the 3 day ride. One of the things that I was told to to was to go by my pickup accounts at 1:55 instead of driving back after 2:30. I told him no way.
The net result of UPS wasting 3 days of supervision on me was that I ran 1.4 over every day with a supervisor on the car!
It has been several weeks since the ride and the supervisor STILL has not reviewed the ride with me. If this was done, then I would be certified at 1.4 over and "they" will not allow that.
What has been done is to gut my run in the middle and have other drivers run about 35 to 35 miles more every day to go get my slower work. I now get some in town residential work to throw my SPORH higher.
The result is this: my boss gets to look good to their division manager becuase I had a three day ride and now I run more stops per hour.
What a crock of crap. This company is numbers only-and I know that I am being followed from this site in my building.
I only post the truth and that hurts them more!


Wornout, at least we know we are not alone.
I was decent Tuesday at 1.14 late. I call that scratch and it is. Yesterday I was the worst 1.86, but the guy who had to come help me was a close 1.83.
Today they had a real nice dinner for us, Steak, corn all the fixings, it was nice. But seeing how I havent been home before dark all week I took mine to go. I am not unsocial, I would love to sit and eat with my fellow drivers, but I just wanted to be home. I guess mgmt took it as a slam, but it wasnt. But when they tell you how bad you are then do you really want to sit and eat just coz they cook for you? You know how you used to be able to make time for friends? That doesnt happen much anymore.
Guess I am weird, I would rather have dinner at home, or get together with them all after work like we used to do.
Just something unsettling to me about eating in a parking lot with Brown all around, so Not.
I dont know if I am being watched, I know a few drivers get on here, If the mgmt is I would be suprised. But I dont care, like you whatever I say here I have/would say to them.

(Message edited by toonertoo on August 11, 2005)


Oh by the way I know about the SPORH trick. They have taken the heart and soul out of my route, they ripped out the lungs also. It has been a dismemberment so bad, they do not even know how to put it back together. My 3 day ride said 12 sporh, now I can do 14 and still be 1.5 late. I have 1 1/2 streets I used to have and all the pickups +. I give up, just go do it til they find a reason to fire me, or I get smart enough to find a way out. But I will always miss the way it was when it was good, and No one complained as they knew when I would be there. And it was a job which left you satisfaction, and at the end of the day you felt you had helped other people have a good day, as it made their jobs easier. Just call me sentimental, I know there is no place for that anymore. Its like OVER 9five said, they will find a way to kill personal pride also, even though that pride is what kept the company strong.


"Sure I do, but our customers don't."

Maybe not all of them, but me, and pretty much everyone I know does, and that's why we use UPS.


UPS has not cooked for us here in so long that I could not even tell you the last time that they did.
We were told Christmas Eve that there would not be anything when we got in. We raised terror- that would be the first time ever.
When we got back, there was bread and a tray of lunch meat for sandwiches.
Merry Christmas and thanks for busting your can through peak-and UPS STILL does not understand why they have employee relation problems here!