The rumors are flying

Here’s what I’ve been wondering for a while - every new 5 year agreement has called for the creation of new jobs. HOWEVER, no one tracks this. I was surprised a few years back to learn UPS Labor doesn’t track it - why aren’t the Teamsters (i.e., S.O.B.) requiring/talking about this?

As of Investor Day 2024, UPS leadership is declaring to the world the intention to eliminate all union inside positions. Given the summary component of the latest contract below, isn’t UPS leadership announcing they negotiated in bad faith?
  • The creation of 7,500 new full-time Teamster jobs at UPS and the fulfillment of 22,500 open positions, establishing more opportunities through the life of the agreement for part-timers to transition to full-time work.
The closures will eliminate far more PT jobs and ynese larger hubs will implement the FT jobs, which will include far more shifting positions if I had to guess. Not as many inside/inside 22.3 jobs, although a lot of those can be created as well. I'm sure that if the company offered X amount of package car driving jobs be included that, the union would concede that good-faith effort to advance PTers into FT roles. We will lose tens of thousands of PT positions, and create/fill 30,000 FT jobs, I don't see a problem.


Well-Known Member
The closures will eliminate far more PT jobs and ynese larger hubs will implement the FT jobs, which will include far more shifting positions if I had to guess. Not as many inside/inside 22.3 jobs, although a lot of those can be created as well. I'm sure that if the company offered X amount of package car driving jobs be included that, the union would concede that good-faith effort to advance PTers into FT roles. We will lose tens of thousands of PT positions, and create/fill 30,000 FT jobs, I don't see a problem.
It should be interesting... @IVE GOTTA PACKAGE 4U and @Coldworld will be dead by then...would be cool to see how it all plays out!


Well-Known Member
I'm a paramedic too bro with all kinds of emergency supplies, I'll keep you alive in the bunker.
Time to hire someone from operations that actually knows the :censored2:in job.
pfft you know what that would actually look like?

>"well Bob the problem with UPS is actually all these lazy :censored2:in drivers, our 5 year plan includes OJS rides out the ass.......huh? profits? whoa that sounds like some IE number bull:censored2: to me, back when I was a delivery driver...."
pfft you know what that would actually look like?

>"well Bob the problem with UPS is actually all these lazy :censored2:in drivers, our 5 year plan includes OJS rides out the ass.......huh? profits? whoa that sounds like some IE number bull:censored2: to me, back when I was a delivery driver...."
No the problem with this company is people like you.
It's amazing this place is still in business


Well-Known Member
But they have been known to constantly move those jobs around which I think is bull:censored2:.
They do move them around and reconfigure them, but there is a tracker that shows what they’ve been changed to. We received about 20 new full-time jobs from a couple different locations that had vacated spots.