This Animal Needs to be Put Down


Engorged Member
If Obama had a son...

If Obama had a son, he would be horrified, just like his father would be. Whatever your opinions are of our President, he is a profoundly decent family man who consistently speaks out against violence. I understand you are inserting a stick into the hornet's nest (I do it with you guys too), but the racist overtones cross the line IMO.

Your idol, Mr. Reagan, had two sons. One is an ultra-liberal who rejects almost everything his father stood for. He's the smart one.The other is a dullard clone of "The Gipper", and didn't learn anything.


Well-Known Member
He looked more like an angry Young Republican to me. You know, still mad that Mitt lost and about the direction America is headed.


You Liberals really crack me up. When Brett made a comment about Obama --obviously referring to Obama sticking his nose in to an "ongoing investigation " that he never comments on --made the stupid comment about the Zimmernan -Martin case --I posted that I believed it was inappropriate. Sober also took offense to the post and said so.

I see nothing funny about this video and for you to state and sober to like your childish statement about this thug looking like an angry Republican---you and sober think that is cute or funny ??? Grow up !!


Well-Known Member
I absolutely agree it is a sociological issue and not race. I have delivered in mostly black high crime areas and also poor white trash areas. The white ghetto preyed on other whites in same area just like the black ghetto preyed on other blacks in same area. Not much difference other than the color of their skins. But I will admit that there are more bad black ghetto areas than white, which helps explain the higher black crime rates and prison populations. Black areas in suburbs are totally different. The problem is that inner city mentality.


You and sober are commenting about my post stating that 12.6% of the total population do not commit 12.6 % of the crimes --but a MUCH higher % -therefore the high rate of Black incarceration.

I was also basically saying that I would be called a racist for stating obvious facts that many are too polically correct to utter.

Social issue or not -----Slavery was horrible and was also a very long time ago--many positive things have been done --affirmative action.

Sober will mention the war on drugs ---If we would have let Nicky Barnes and other drug Kingpins continue to hook the inner city children on crack and heroin--things would be even worse.

I refer to the movie courageous.

It is time to stand up for family values ----two loving parents that hold the children accountable.
An education system that has a chance to teach --rather than deal with thugs that drop out anyway.
When a child "drops out" the State until they are of legal age should have mandatory technical schools to teach skills where people can learn skills instead of learning how to deal drugs on the corner --and than have some people believe that that the problem is a war on drugs.

Generation after generation is following the same bad road -----children born to one parent ---no discipline or loving guidance----disrupt school system --drop out --no education or skills ----gangs, drugs ---live the street life that cause this type of behavior and havoc on society.

When does it end -----another two,three four hundred years ????

We have a Black President --A Black Attorney General ----thousands it not millions of hard working successful blacks(bbsam)

When does somebody address the plight of the inner cities -------when the cause of poverty, crime and waste of lives is so obvious.

The great society plan of LBJ ---enabled the breakdown of the family unit ----this will go on forever ---if we cannot find some COURAGEOUS people.

I again highly recommend this film.

Some jerk will say I posted this out of racism ------I know I posted it out of a heart that bleeds when it sees so many lives being wasted in the Black communities and the ill effects that touch all of us.:sad-little:


nowhere special
I without a doubt agree with you that the core problem is a break down of the family unit. Kids learn their moral values at home and carry that throughout their lives and pass those attitudes on to their children. It is a vicious self perpetuating cycle.
I without a doubt agree with you that the core problem is a break down of the family unit. Kids learn their moral values at home and carry that throughout their lives and pass those attitudes on to their children. It is a vicious self perpetuating cycle.

One does not necessarily need the "family unit" but rather the quality of of the upbringing be it traditional family, single parent, gay parents,etc,etc. Children do not know hate, racism,et al, when they are born as a raw piece of clay. It's how they are molded that sets them on their way.


Well-Known Member
One does not necessarily need the "family unit" but rather the quality of of the upbringing be it traditional family, single parent, gay parents,etc,etc. Children do not know hate, racism,et al, when they are born as a raw piece of clay. It's how they are molded that sets them on their way.


Argue with statistics. More single parent families have their children destined and doomed to failure and poverty.

One plus one will always equal two. Hard to argue with factual statistics.

Nice to have warm and cozy Murphy Brown good thoughts but just look at the results in the inner cities. Not much good molding going on.

Argue with statistics. More single parent families have their children destined and doomed to failure and poverty.

One plus one will always equal two. Hard to argue with factual statistics.

Nice to have warm and cozy Murphy Brown good thoughts but just look at the results in the inner cities. Not much good molding going on.

One plus one equals two. Two loving parents or two :censored2:'s. Two minus one equals one. Same.

A positive upbringing perpetuates itself. The same for violence. How much are you willing to bet Mr. Home Attack didn't have a Norman Rockwell background? Just the fact he laid a hand on a woman in violence makes it a winning bet. Possibly he came from a birthing parent, I won't use the term of respect that is Mother, who didn't want that child. When he was old enough to walk it was out the door to fend for himself. He found others in like and they raised themselves in an almost feral pack. When he grew up you can see the result.

I stand on my conviction. It's the quality of parent. Not the number, race, religion, sexual preference, etc.


Well-Known Member
One plus one equals two. Two loving parents or two :censored2:'s. Two minus one equals one. Same.

A positive upbringing perpetuates itself. The same for violence. How much are you willing to bet Mr. Home Attack didn't have a Norman Rockwell background? Just the fact he laid a hand on a woman in violence makes it a winning bet. Possibly he came from a birthing parent, I won't use the term of respect that is Mother, who didn't want that child. When he was old enough to walk it was out the door to fend for himself. He found others in like and they raised themselves in an almost feral pack. When he grew up you can see the result.

I stand on my conviction. It's the quality of parent. Not the number, race, religion, sexual preference, etc.


Stand on your belief and conviction. Still does not change the STATISTICAL FACTS.

Inner city birth rate to single mothers in Black communities now close to Eight of ten. No father --no accountability and discipline --run wild in the schools and the streets--dropout rates the highest for this group.

No skills for job or career --turn to crime and drugs--go to prison ---Highest incarceration rate for this group ----get out of jail --"father" more children so cycle starts over.

Exceptions to the rule --of course --but the fact staring us in the face --generation after lost generation is the single mom --in poverty and often times strung out on drugs --no molding at all from either "parent"

You can re-state your conviction and belief ----But facts are facts -reality is reality.