Washington Redskins change their name


Engorged Member
Ok, its easy to understand why "white" people wont take the time to consider the history of the Native American Indian. Nobody wants to revisit that era, no matter how horrific that period of time was for the Native American Indian.

I know its alot simpler to downplay the word "redskin" as if it has no negative conotation to it.

The American Indians would disagree however.

In the pioneer days, states paid "bounties" for REDSKIN heads and scalps. The word "REDSKIN" was a generic word that encompassed ALL native american indians in the country. The early "paymasters" for the redskin heads and scalps used the head of an indian with a feather on it as its logo.

The STATES paying bounties for killing indians and returning their heads and scalps is a disgusting part of american history.

My state, CALIFORNIA paid out MILLIONS of dollars for the slaughter of all indians in the state.


RW ONLINE:True Story of the 1849 California Gold Rush: Gold and Genocide

quote from article:

In his January 1851 message to the California legislature, California Governor Peter H. Burnett promised "a war of extermination will continue to be waged between the two races until the Indian race becomes extinct." Newspapers cheered on the campaign. In 1853 the Yreka Herald called on the government to provide aid to "enable the citizens of the north to carry on a war of extermination until the last redskin of these tribes has been killed. Extermination is no longer a question of time--the time has arrived, the work has commenced and let the first man who says treaty or peace be regarded as a traitor." Other newspapers voiced similar sentiments. ""

The murdering of "REDSKINS" should never be a word that is "honored" by anyone in this country who has a conscience. To attempt to downplay the word is OFFENSIVE in itself.

Would any of you support a team called the "Alabama N-GG-rs?"
Keep on fighting the crazy.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I use 'redskin' potatoes the most often. Redskins with parsley and butter !!! Mmmm, mmmmm!!

While this person attempts to "joke" at the serious nature of the conversation, history tells us of the thousands of innocent "redskin" men, women and children who were slaughtered in early america by the "WHITE" man.

We call the "muslims" who behead people, "animals" or "barbarians" for cutting off heads, yet, this very country was FOUNDED on that very premise.

The Scalp Industry

How about those wonderful "pilgrims"?

"""In the American colonies, a posse of New Hampshire volunteers comes across a band of encamped Native Americans and takes 10 "scalps" in the first significant appropriation of this Native American practice by European colonists. The posse received a bounty of 100 pounds per scalp from the colonial authorities in Boston.
Although the custom of "scalping" was once practiced in Europe and Asia, it is generally associated with North American native groups. In scalping, the skin around the crown of the head was cut and removed from the enemy's skull, usually causing death. In addition to its value as a war trophy, a scalp was often believed to bestow the possessor with the powers of the scalped enemy. In their early wars with Native Americans, European colonists of North America retaliated against hostile native groups by adopting their practice of scalp taking. Bounties were offered for them by colonial authorities, which in turn led to an escalation of intertribal warfare and scalping in North America.""" ( excerpt)

The Horrors of the Native American Indian may be easily forgotten by White America, but people of color know better. This country as a whole, should be considerate of the feelings of all peoples, especially those peoples who were murdered, tortured, raped by the founders of this country.


The Alta Californian newspaper reported on a massacre of Native People carried out by Captain Jarboe in 1860: "The attacking party rushed upon them, blowing out their brains and splitting their heads open with tomahawks. Little children in baskets, and even babies, had their heads smashed to pieces or cut open. Mothers and infants shared the same phenomenon.... Many of the fugitives were chased or shot as they ran.... The children, scarcely able to run, toddled toward the squaws for protection, crying with fright, but were overtaken, slaughtered like wild animals and thrown into piles."
On April 12, 1860 the state legislature approved $9,347.39 for "payment of the indebtedness incurred by the expedition against the Indians in the County of Mendocino organized under the command of Captain W. S. Jarboe in 1859." California's governor wrote a letter to Jarboe congratulating him for doing "all that was anticipated" and giving his "sincere thanks for the manner in which it [the campaign] was conducted.""" ( excerpt )

JUST BECAUSE SOME FOOTBALL TEAM CHOSE TO USE THIS NAME years ago, that doesnt mean "We" as americans cant be civil today and pay our respects to the thousands of dead "redskins" who gave their lives so you could live on the very land they called home.

Think beyond yourself people.

Maybe if the logo was more realistic, you would change your minds.?



Strength through joy
The Washington Redskins are a privately owned company .
What they call themselves is no one's business .
If you don't like the name , don't buy the products .


Strength through joy
Again, accepting the horrors by deminishing the origin.

The only horrors connected to this private company are the one's you are attempting to place there .
Get over it .
It is a dead subject , unless you are prepared to actually buy the team .
Thus you could re-name them the Chicken Littles .


Well-Known Member
So you call a person an idiot for standing up to a racial slur? But if I called you and idiot ( and i say "IF") you dont like it?

Lets be clear on the subject.

The word REDSKIN has no other conotation to it other than a racial slur. Now, whether or not it has been used for years is NOT the point. The argument is that the word has no HONOR value to the native american indians of any tribe. It neither is a respectful term in todays america.

We have either evolved from the racial discord that "WHITE" america created with slavery, or we are still stuck in the 1800's.

Would any of you support the following teams ( and as a disclosure, these are ONLY for conversation sake )

1) Anaheim Gooks
2) East LA Beaners
3) Michigan Towel Heads
4) Oregon Japs
5) Montana Chinks
6) Alabama N-GG-ers
7) Washington Redskins

No matter what racially intended word we use, they describe a people of color negatively. Of the 7 examples I presented, each one contains a word that is neither honorable or reflective of a race of people allthough, each and EVERY ONE of you knows exactly what race of persons is reflected in these horrible terms.

There is NO indian tribe called the "REDSKINS". You couldnt walk up to any native american indian in this country and call them a Redskin without getting punched in the mouth.

The term by todays standards is rude and offensive. The problem is, WHITE america still isnt ready to take responsibility for creating the hostility between races in this country and feel its ok to keep offending people of color.

And, for those inclined to attempt to compare the word "REDSKIN" to teams like:

1) Atlanta Braves
2) Kansas City Chiefs
3) Florida Seminoles
4) Chicago Blackhawks
5) Cleveland Indians
6) Atlanta Hawks -formerly Tri city Blackhawks
7) Golden State Warriors - who no longer use any indian logos
8) Portland Winterhawks

Etc etc etc....

These are all actual names of tribes, OR "HONORABLE" terms of a respectful nature towards the Native American Indians.

Now, if any of you can find a tribe called the REDSKINS who's faces are exaggerated red as in the LOGO of the washington Redskins, then present it.

If any of you feel you could reasonably walk up to an Native American Indian and call them a REDSKIN, the present yourself.

Its a matter of raising awareness to the insensitivity of the name. WHY NOW? well, thats easy.

MEDIA coverage and social media is helping to spread the word unlike ever before.

In todays world, white people are offended when they hear someone use the N-word in a conversation, even though for 200 years in this country white people used it in everyday language. It took time to raise awareness to the rudeness of the term and it no longer is a standard for anyone.

Thats how the native american feels about the term Redskins. They want the american public to also understand the rudeness of the term.

If you dont understand how racially motivated the term is and you feel its ok to keep on using it, well, you know you have to be somewhat of a racist.

Of the 7 "fake" team names I listed, those inclined to accept the term Redskins as ok, would probably accept those as well and sleep well at night.



So all your spouting comes down to "redskins" is offensive and a racial slur because it refers to a color of a persons skin ---which by the way is red.

Then lets see --the BLACK caucus ---does not refer to the color of the White house --must refer to the color of an African's skin --must be a racial slur --because the African's sold their race to the Spanish and English and made them slaves -----Sure lets change the "BLACK" caucus to the African caucus because referring to a skin color is RACIAL ????

Keep drinking the kool aid and watch Obama make speech after speech on Immigration -----while Obamacare continues to whittle away at the working mans healthcare and redistributes his hard earned wealth --while he re-re-re-re-re-re-re-focuses on JOBS and the economy --while you and the Liberal media focus on "REDSKINS"
Lets be very clear on the "subject" --Keep the low information voted and uniformed distracted from the Obama "new normal":sad-little:

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

So all your spouting comes down to "redskins" is offensive and a racial slur because it refers to a color of a persons skin ---which by the way is red.

Then lets see --the BLACK caucus ---does not refer to the color of the White house --must refer to the color of an African's skin --must be a racial slur --because the African's sold their race to the Spanish and English and made them slaves -----Sure lets change the "BLACK" caucus to the African caucus because referring to a skin color is RACIAL ????

Keep drinking the kool aid and watch Obama make speech after speech on Immigration -----while Obamacare continues to whittle away at the working mans healthcare and redistributes his hard earned wealth --while he re-re-re-re-re-re-re-focuses on JOBS and the economy --while you and the Liberal media focus on "REDSKINS"
Lets be very clear on the "subject" --Keep the low information voted and uniformed distracted from the Obama "new normal":sad-little:

Again, your wrong as usual, but I dont expect anything more from a Rush Limbaugh listener.

The slave trade was run by the JEWS.
Jews and the slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They were capturing, selling, trading blacks since the middle ages. You know the era, didnt you and moreluck graduate back then?

Your ignorance to the color of peoples skin is astounding. To say that indian skin is red is ridiculous at best. We are BROWN you dipstick.

The "RED" comes from the perception that indians were out in the sun all day and SUNBURNED.

Dont be an ash allbeit tough.

What I am trying to inform you on, is the history of the "use" of the word REDSKIN. A generic term that meant "inclusively" or covering all tribes of indians in the country.

How do you ignore the history of this country Paying bounties for the heads and scalps of ALL indians, men, women and children?

How do you ignore the history of WHITE americans beheading native american indians while taking their lands?

Maybe if you had any sensitivity in your body, you could elevate your respect for the native american indian high enough to allow them have some honor other than reminding them that they were a "less than" people in the eyes of white america?

Maybe if I referred to your wife as a "flip" constantly, you would see what I was talking about.




golden ticket member
"The word REDSKIN has no other conotation to it other than a racial slur..." (TOS)

Wrong. Not true. Innaccurate. A lie. You misspoke.

I am calling on the potato defense that proves redskin has another connotation.


Strength through joy
I enjoy just how well TOS is doing his master's bidding .
Nobody really cared about this topic until his messiah & now the casino owner ( who is another fake ) decided that this had to be THE MOST important issue of the day .


Strength through joy
Hey tos, you better check out this thread ....
Re: 5 bucks a week to send my child support? the OP has a racial slur for a name .


Well-Known Member

Rewrite history for me again-- tell me what happened when the Brown skins --- the Spanish met the Inca and Mayan Indians?
​All peace and love.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Rewrite history for me again-- tell me what happened when the Brown skins --- the Spanish met the Inca and Mayan Indians?
​All peace and love.

Now you want to change the subject? I know when a person is defeated in an argument. They run to another topic because they cant justify their original position.

The spanish were great warriors, and they were WAY better than the US military in fighting other countries. They didnt fight fair or care about peoples feelings or religions.

They wiped everyone out including their cultures. No memories of previous ways of life.

Why do you think so many countries speak spanish now? Just because people come from SPAIN doesnt mean they have brown skin you doof. They are still european.

The world has been a brutal place for people of color. One race after another believing ( as you do ) that your skin color makes you superior to others.

The USA was founded on a basis of genocide on people of color and not the glorified picture of pilgrims breaking bread with indians.

You may be able to block the images of Redskins being beheaded, tortured, raped and children killed for the sake of taking their lands, but those americans who want to never forget will always seek respect for the dead.

Once a racist , always a racist.

It matters not where you come from, and rather, where you stand today.

YOU either learn to respect those dead native american indians whos history you trash everytime you utter the words Washington Redskins or go to your grave being an insensitive :censored2:.



Well-Known Member
Again, your wrong as usual, but I dont expect anything more from a Rush Limbaugh listener.

The slave trade was run by the JEWS.
Jews and the slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They were capturing, selling, trading blacks since the middle ages. You know the era, didnt you and moreluck graduate back then?

Your ignorance to the color of peoples skin is astounding. To say that indian skin is red is ridiculous at best. We are BROWN you dipstick.

The "RED" comes from the perception that indians were out in the sun all day and SUNBURNED.

Dont be an ash allbeit tough.

What I am trying to inform you on, is the history of the "use" of the word REDSKIN. A generic term that meant "inclusively" or covering all tribes of indians in the country.

How do you ignore the history of this country Paying bounties for the heads and scalps of ALL indians, men, women and children?

How do you ignore the history of WHITE americans beheading native american indians while taking their lands?

Maybe if you had any sensitivity in your body, you could elevate your respect for the native american indian high enough to allow them have some honor other than reminding them that they were a "less than" people in the eyes of white america?

Maybe if I referred to your wife as a "flip" constantly, you would see what I was talking about.




You really should read the links you post to supposedly support you wild assertions.

Seems like I have touched a nerve with the "Spanish Empire"

Of course they did not "empire" build, loot pillage , rape and destroy. As you claim "They were Brave and courageous Warriors" The Spanish ships buying slaves from Africans that sold their neighbors and transporting them to the new world---NO--tos rewrites history and posts a link which states very clearly that the Jews had very little or NOTHING to do with the Slave trade to the new world. Sounds a little racist to me --but what the hell a LIBERAL or should we say the new word ---A progressive can never be a racist --what a joke.

To completely eliminate the Incas and Mayans --including their culture --You think was a good thing ???? Wow talk about multiple personalities or a very shakey and contradicting belief and value system.

You have insinuated before that you are of Latin-Hispanic -heritage --yet in this post you say we are "brown " as if you are now of Indian heritage --either way --makes no difference to me ---Except I must ask --ARE you Running for The Senate In Mass and what % Indian --do you claim!! What a joke ---

Do not feel Obligated to respond --Because Frankly my dear --I don't give a damn !!!:happy-very: