Will they leave?


Well-Known Member
I love how you twisted this. The issue was Trump not accepting the results and a transition of power, not the people.

Did you quit school before they taught reading?

dude I'm on my second mop , can you slow down with the tears


JL 0513

Well-Known Member
DriveInDriveOut, you always laugh at posts and then never back up that laughter with an explanation.

So when has Trump ever been racist?

I also find it funny that among every accusation these anarchists on the streets are making, there's lots of signs suggesting an anti-gay stance by Trump. Where do these people get their beliefs from? No wonder they're all hysterical, they actually believe all this propaganda spread about Trump.

For 70 years, Trump wasn't a racist, sexist, homophobe, etc. He announces as a Republican, he immediately becomes every "ism" in the book. Usually Democrat playbook.


Well-Known Member
You know, the lefties who promised to leave the country if Mr Trump won.

I can think of Rosie O'Donnell and Myley Cyrus, but there were others.

Will they leave, and can we help them pack?
I think everyone who voted for Trump under the belief he really was "anti-establishment" and would turn Washington upside down, "drain the swamp" as they say, should be FORCED to leave the country.


Inordinately Right
I think everyone who didn't vote for Trump should STOP THEIR DAMN CRYING!
I think anyone who is literally crying has bigger problems in their lives. On the other hand people who want to talk politics should keep doing it, I think it's good for our country to have these discussions.