1 in 4 women have abortions? Wow.


Well-Known Member
What sucks is that Donald Trump has probably paid for a dozen or more abortions. And even after this rich people lik
I dont necessarily agree that it isn't a woman choice to get an abortion, I would try and talk any woman out of doing it, it ultimately does rest with the woman and her choice, where liberals lose the argument is abortion on demand at any point and any time, I just can't agree with that and to see these woman on tv talking about having 10, 15, 20 abortions is sick and genocidal
Do you have those videos? Because I spent a while doing a search and couldn't find any.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
What sucks is that Donald Trump has probably paid for a dozen or more abortions. And even after this rich people lik

Do you have those videos? Because I spent a while doing a search and couldn't find any.
Go check the vids of the people outside the Supreme Court protesting for weeks or cnn


Well-Known Member
Self-defense is always a legitimate right. Murder is the opposite. But, if you dehumanize someone by calling them a clump of cells, which describes all of us, or a domestic terrorist, then you can pretend it's not murder to kill them.
Volunteered or conscripted to fight a war for no other reason but to maintain access to foreign source oil or to walk into a classroom with an assault rifle and kill dozen of little kids or walk into a church during services and gun down attendees just because they are of a different color or worship in a different manner....is that "self defense" and morally just in your opinion? Certainly seems that way in your mind's eye. Your political ideology decides to seal off a woman's right to choose but won't do a damn thing to try and stop this egregious carnage .


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
The Supreme Court didn't outlaw abortion, they just made it a state's issue like it should have been all along. I'm sure there will be plenty of states that will still allow it.

Allow what? The murderous dismembering of innocent and totally helpless human beings for the sake of convenience?
Somehow we have become a desensitized nation. We put the image of abortion in the back of our brains. Pro abortion people are sadly clueless and they are the folks with the blood of millions of God's great creatures on their hands. Again, it is about the unwavering and blind loyalty to the warped, demented party they will walk lock step with into hell.
Confront these people with images/videos of screaming little humans being torn apart and vacuumed into a trashcan and they will run like a cheetah. They are not right.


Well-Known Member
Volunteered or conscripted to fight a war for no other reason but to maintain access to foreign source oil or to walk into a classroom with an assault rifle and kill dozen of little kids or walk into a church during services and gun down attendees just because they are of a different color or worship in a different manner....is that "self defense" and morally just in your opinion? Certainly seems that way in your mind's eye. Your political ideology decides to seal off a woman's right to choose but won't do a damn thing to try and stop this egregious carnage .
For every one off horrific situation how many across the country daily fend off burglars, rapists, psychopaths because they were armed? Y'all never bring up that side of the argument. And the foreign source of oil issue would be resolved if you would just open up everything to drilling. Don't you care about our soldiers?


Well-Known Member
Because you're not allowed to kill kids, no matter what crime the kid's dad committed or how poor you are.

No baby-killing is a pretty simple life rule.
Rape, incest, forcible copulation by the man and he doesn't have to stand for it perfectly ok with you and the girl can't get an abortion and get on with their life just fine with you? It would appear that it is.


Well-Known Member
Rape, incest, forcible copulation by the man and he doesn't have to stand for it perfectly ok with you and the girl can't get an abortion and get on with their life just fine with you? It would appear that it is.
When did I say what was okay?

Rape ought to be a capital crime, with a man dead by public hanging within the week with a fair trial.

But it doesn't matter what the dad did.

You can't kill the kid.


Well-Known Member
:censored2: the evangelicals.
Exactly . And just exactly what specific steps are the holly rollers going to take to help support and raise that kid born to a 14 year old? If they think that they are going to get away without it costing them a dime they might be in for one hell of a surprise. If they do have to pay perhaps one good thing might come out of it. Less money going into the collection plate for the bible thumper with the GED and a preacher's license telling them what to do, where to sit, what to think and how to act.


nowhere special
There is no Constitutional right to abortions. The Supreme Court did not ban them but decided it was a states rights issue.

Despite all the hyperbole from the leftists claiming otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Rape, incest, forcible copulation by the man and he doesn't have to stand for it perfectly ok with you and the girl can't get an abortion and get on with their life just fine with you? It would appear that it is.
You'd have a point if liberal district attorneys all over the country weren't turning violent criminals out on the streets. Have some moral ground to preach on before lecturing us. I for one am all for terminating the pregnancy of a rape or incest victim as long as it's done before there's a heartbeat. No reason that can't happen. But anyone wanting to engage in irresponsible sex and have abortion as a safety valve, which describes most situations, will just have to travel to a state that allows that. The majority of each individual state has the right to determine what's best for everyone in that state without outside activists trying to impose values they don't agree with. Don't like that? Move to a state that more reflects your values. Conservative states aren't sending troops to liberal states to impose their will on them so extend to us the same courtesy and mind your own affairs and leave us the hell alone.


Well-Known Member
Exactly . And just exactly what specific steps are the holly rollers going to take to help support and raise that kid born to a 14 year old? If they think that they are going to get away without it costing them a dime they might be in for one hell of a surprise. If they do have to pay perhaps one good thing might come out of it. Less money going into the collection plate for the bible thumper with the GED and a preacher's license telling them what to do, where to sit, what to think and how to act.
Evangelicals are the reason there is a longer line of couples waiting to adopt than babies available.