2020 Peak Over

Netsua 3:16

UPS store had over 800+ pieces for me to pickup. I called my center to ask for help and the dispatcher said “I’ll see what I can do but do you think you can help someone once you’re done?”
That’s the best though. “Get as much into your truck as you can.” Sure thing. Whoops, took a big wide turn, now I can’t find my next stop, guess I’ll spend 10 minutes looking for it


Well-Known Member
I think we set the record of drivers getting back after 10pm on Monday. Today wasn’t much better and multiple pickups were just blown off. No PVD’s or rentals.


Well-Known Member
Glad we sent all of those rentals back for 3 days only to scramble to get them back as all of the volume we refused to pick up starts working it’s way through the system
I told my coordinators that, right before Christmas. Nine peaks, I said. And you guys :censored2: it up everytime. Most years, you forget to account for return volume, and you have no idea what a factor gift cards play. I was told, nope, 26th, rentals are gone, pvd's gone.
Today, Me: hey, I have 5 pallets worth scheduled for this 700? I'm going to move it to this empty rental.
And also, this bulk I have won't go on that package car. "No, all cool, will have a pvd take it"