22.4 Blowback

Is 22.4 good for RPCDs?

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Well-Known Member
Of course they are going to exceed the 25%. All they needed was an in. Now they can kick the door down. Its the way UPS has always been, theyll pay the grievances. If they never allowed 22.4 to begin with, there is nothing to kick the door down about. Once you give them a millimeter, they take 100 miles.

Every single driver who voted Yes deserves everything that's coming to them, including but not limited to a major reduction in hours, overtime, and annual income. I don't wish this on anybody but they deserve it if they voted for it. In other words, they ASKED for it, so give it to them and waste no time about it. Hopefully they'll be so mad by the time we vote on a leader that they'll vote Hoffa out, but that's not what's going to happen. Oh no, many propaganda leaflets and Hoffa-zines will be mailed out before then telling us how much he's done for us even though he used a blatant and infamous loophole against us which was like a slap in the face by his little tiny prick.
Every single driver who voted Yes deserves everything that's coming to them, including but not limited to a major reduction in hours, overtime, and annual income. I don't wish this on anybody but they deserve it if they voted for it. In other words, they ASKED for it, so give it to them and waste no time about it. Hopefully they'll be so mad by the time we vote on a leader that they'll vote Hoffa out, but that's not what's going to happen. Oh no, many propaganda leaflets and Hoffa-zines will be mailed out before then telling us how much he's done for us even though he used a blatant and infamous loophole against us which was like a slap in the face by his little tiny prick.
And every single driver that didn't vote... deserves worse


Staff member
Ya makes sense. Pay people less to work weekends, give them no 9-5 protection. Sounds like a recipe to split up the full timers who are the only ones who basically vote.

feeders has been running 7 days for years. If they can make it work with regular full time employees there is no reason this couldn’t in package.
Feeders also has no 9.5 protection and they switch us to 70 hour weeks whenever they feel like it. You probably don't want that in package.


Well-Known Member
Lol I dont understand the people who say they cant find any 22.4s. You all have clearly spent your entire lives at ups. Your completely ignorant to how many jobs work, :censored2:ty hours, :censored2:ty pay, the list goes on. Alot of people working pt and a ft job will pounce at the idea of one job 20 an hour 34 top with a company that probably isnt going anywhere. You all seem like chicken little screaming the sky is falling when it isnt. Oh and to the other group screaming Amazon is gonna kill us. Nike decided to stop selling there, expect more to follow.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
How is it working so far? I don’t mean whether it sucks or not. I mean how are they are utilizing them and how is it affecting the regular drivers? We don’t have any yet
I am told that my building has some. They look just like any other delivery driver. The big test will come after Peak is over and lay offs begin.


Well-Known Member
How is it working so far? I don’t mean whether it sucks or not. I mean how are they are utilizing them and how is it affecting the regular drivers? We don’t have any yet

Well my area isn't really a good example. Our contract says they will only work in the building by exception only. So they Drive 100% of the time.

We also had PT cover drivers. Pretty much every PT cover driver was turned into a 22.4 and switched to a T-S schedule. The funny thing is Monday is when they are hurting for drivers. Pick ups make it hard to cut too many routes. So they began having 22.4s working Mondays and thought they would be sneaky and make deals with them. They would give them whatever day in the middle of the week they wanted off as long as it wasn't Tues or Sat. That was until one of our stewards went to every single 22.4 and told them how they should be making $64 a hour on Mondays. Turns out managment was just paying them top rate. So they all filed a grievance. Then the Steward went to all the cover drivers and told them that they have seniority over 22.4s on Mondays and that's when the :censored2: really hit that fan. Now they are all T-S.

Con Olio

Can only call out so much until you're fired.
then it's really forced. I have yet to see a vet bump a rook for Saturday hours. I'm t-s now and was informed this 3months after I was hired. I'd be really pissed if I was now forced to reschedule my life to work sundays. I would hate to quit because I want to see my young kids grow up