9:30 start time


Well-Known Member
3am? What center do you work at? They stagger our preload start times starting at 4:45 then 5:30. Then they wonder why the main belt looks like an estate sale come driver start time.
I don't live in poor man PA. We have a lot of volume because people want to actually love here. ;)

Preload it 315am usually earlier on Mondays.


Well-Known Member
With who...the same people who do not want to work any where else?

We have raised starting wages...still cannot get enough people.

Its not a 3 day a week job, its five days a week and its physical labor.

How about if you already work here you work five days a week that will take care of some of the problems.

So to wrap it up, quit your bitchin if you are part of the problem.
For how they get treated it’s no wonder you cant find people. You keep churning them out and expect people to come back. It’s comical.


Well-Known Member
CEO is visiting our hub tomorrow, I'm hoping that means that our preload goes down on time. Heck, even if it does, we'll probably end up having a full 10 minute PCM....and we were told to have masks on, even though our center hasn't been enforcing it for at least a month or two.


Well-Known Member
CEO is visiting our hub tomorrow, I'm hoping that means that our preload goes down on time. Heck, even if it does, we'll probably end up having a full 10 minute PCM....and we were told to have masks on, even though our center hasn't been enforcing it for at least a month or two.
Make sure you show up with a rainbow colored beard and red contact lenses with a mask that says "Manson was Misunderstood"

Remember be your true self.

Poop Head

Judge me.
Plus word of mouth.
The craziest thing is, when youre just hanging out with people who never worked at ups, and they find out, theyre all like, "aww thats a great place to work! Yada yada yada." Then the next thing they always say is, "i hear they track everything you guys do, and if you get behind schedule.."
3am? What center do you work at? They stagger our preload start times starting at 4:45 then 5:30. Then they wonder why the main belt looks like an estate sale come driver start time.
Preload used to start 3:30 to 3:45 and drivers started at 8:00AM with a 50lb weight limit and no air commits. Now Preload starts at 4:45 drivers start after 9:00AM with double the number of package cars and at least triple the volume.


My job is fun
crush them with late air tomorrow boys , then everyone call off Thursday/Friday.
I took option days Thursday and Friday lmao. We have 8 people so fast that won’t be here Friday with around 7 or so on vacation. One of the on road said he is calling in so he doesn’t have to deal with it lol


Bad Moon Risen'
I don't think we'll loose anything like that. I think it'll be more the same. Language that's hard to enforce and that UPS steps all over because they'd rather pay a penalty.

I know a lot of people will be focused on the 22.4's but what I'm going to be focused on at this moment is what kind of language will we put in to protect us against these cameras? I'm a little disappointed that I haven't heard from one slate about these cameras. Seems we've already waved the white flag.
Wonder if they plan on putting cameras on the porter carts?