Active thread - Zimmerman Not Guilty


nowhere special
I think it wasn't national news because it wasn't unusual.
In Trayvons case, a hispanic/white killed a black teenager. That's news.
But in the baby in his stroller killing and the waitress killing, it was just another black guy shooting somebody. No news there.

Mr Obama must know there's a reason white people clutch their purses and lock their doors when a black guy walks by. Nobody's saying all blacks are criminals, but there is certainly a higher percent chance you'll be mugged by a black guy than a white. It's called being cautious.
And I know people will blame this on a higher percentage of blacks live in poverty, are poor, descended from slaves, whatever. I just don't buy that crap. You shoot a baby in the face or shotgun a waitress for tip money, you got more problems than being poor.
I remember some black comedian saying something like "Even black people would rather run into a white guy in a dark alley at night". Was he being serious? Was he catering to a white audience? I don't know.

Even Jesse Jackson said he was relieved when it was a white guy behind him instead of a black.


nowhere special
...and if Jackson would have turned around and shot "because he was afraid"?

Turning around and shooting because you were afraid was never legal under old self defense or newer stand your ground laws. If the person behind him assaulted Jackson then self defense would apply. Which is why Martin had no grounds for a stand your ground defense if he had lived.


Staff member
Jackson has body guards and if by chance he was alone, he would not carry a gun.

​Unless he is just another liberal hypocrite like Al Gore flying around in private jets.

Is Jackson "anti gun"? Or are you painting with a wide brush? I know Joe Biden isn't anti-gun, but that doesn't fit the picture you try to paint, does it?


Staff member
Turning around and shooting because you were afraid was never legal under old self defense or newer stand your ground laws. If the person behind him assaulted Jackson then self defense would apply. Which is why Martin had no grounds for a stand your ground defense if he had lived.

That remains to be seen. Jordan Davis case should tell us more.


Staff member
You can't possibly be saying these cases came anywhere close to the media hype that Trayvon/Zimmerman got.
Why didn't they get that sort of media attention?

Because the killers were immediately apprehended and are awaiting trial. You can't be saying Zimmerman was handled the same way by police.


Staff member
If the killers were allowed to go home do you think there would be no public outcry for their arrest in the media and across the country?


Well-Known Member
If the killers were allowed to go home do you think there would be no public outcry for their arrest in the media and across the country?

It was clear to the local police, as was proven by a jury of MZ's peers, that he acted in self defense. Should have been case closed. Should be now as well. But the profiteers of race baiting and social policy making can't have that now can they....


Staff member
"Treyvon had every right to walk down the street"

Well, I think young Antonio West had every right to be in his stroller without being murdered.


Staff member
It was clear to the local police, as was proven by a jury of MZ's peers, that he acted in self defense. Should have been case closed. Should be now as well. But the profiteers of race baiting and social policy making can't have that now can they....

Completely wrong. The public made known that many of them are not "OK" with how the law lets people like Zimmerman walk. It may be the law, but that should not preclude challenges to it and pressure to change it.


Well-Known Member
Treyvon Martin had every right to defend himself, as did Martin Zimmerman.

Trayvon Martin should have walked home, as Martin Zimmerman should have stayed in his car.

The law abiding gun owner successfully defended himself.

The suspicious african american wearing a hoody on a rainy night did not.

End of story, move on, learn or become the next victim of stupidity and or poor judgement.