Andrew McCabe to retire


Because they don't want it to be viewed as a political hit. I guarantee there are investigations on going. You don't need a special counsel for hillary, what she did is already documented, now, how comey, the FBI, and DOJ dealt with her transgressions are a different matter. Your not to sharp. Investigations are aimed at FBI and Loretta Lynch DOJ.
Pro Tip: proof read before posting when you insult someone's intelligence.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
He's a racist , incompetent, baffoon.
Same as Obama.

tit for tat.jpg


golden ticket member
McCabe was fired and although he won't get the 'double secret retirement', he will get a pension...he just won't get his regular salary for the rest of his life. Aw...cry me a river!


Well-Known Member
He’s a troll who can’t spell?
You're a special breed. If someone disagrees with your point of view and is constantly vocal, you label them a troll. I understand totally, you're in the class of feelers, certainly not thinkers, the crowd that resorts to labeling when they cannot muster a logical answer. Now, respond to the idea presented in the post the improper grammar, not spelling was proffered.
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You're a special breed. If someone disagrees with your point of view and is constantly vocal, you label them a troll. I understand totally, you're in the class of feelers, certainly not thinkers, the crowd that resorts to labeling when they cannot muster a logical answer. Now, respond to the idea presented in the post the improper grammar, not spelling was proffered.
That’s cute, how you posted without a trace of irony.