I would hate to hit a pet, that would be the worst feeling, but they are pets and humans are responsible for them, so if they are in harms way, whos fault is that? Not yours.
I would hate to hit a deer, but my kids both have with my cars, and the damage is unbelievable, but usually better to hit them than swerve and roll your vehicle.
I agree about the geese, we have hundreds maybe a thousand on our small lake, now I can tell you I do not want to go to the beach and lay in geese crap. So they have a few weekends of hunting, to thin them out. Since we want to build and expand everywhere we chase the animals into our environment, it used to be theirs, not now, so what is the humane way to get rid of them? I dont know, I dont want to lose them, so I just dont expand into their territory. I didnt build where they were, I just took a place already there.
Maybe we should prohibit people from building.Make them move to inner city homes that are falling down, no more prime property building, leave that to emminent domain, Im sure they will make a space for the critters.
I dont want to kill anything but when my husband hit a pheasant, and it took out my 300$ grille, we ate it for dinner.
Isnt that what the creatures were put here for?
There are so many things to argue, I think some people just look for reasons to argue.