AOC Who Earns $175,000.00 A Year Wants Us To Pay Her $17,000 Student Loan Debt


B.C. boohoo buster.
If you borrow money you should pay it back.
Grow up.
The government borrow money on your behalf everyday. It never pays its debt back. It just rolls them over into new debt. Right now it's over 80K per citizen. You writing any checks tonight to uncle sugar?



B.C. boohoo buster.
No, I didn't say that, you did. Don't put words in my mouth. Thank You.
My argument is; if our government can find 1.7 trillion for one weapons system, the F35 fighter then it can find the money to keep us a first in the world power in brains and vocational training. Investing in wit, wisdom, craft and knowledge is a lot better than investing in explosive bombs drop from aircraft to destroy buildings and people. In my opinion of course.



Well-Known Member
Financialization has wrapped the west especially america in a debt trap. Its destroying our freedom and making the banksters rich. we have to start writing off the debts of the 99% by making the richest :censored2:s pay for their bad economics. student debts is a good place 2 start but we have to write off mortgage debts too and medical debts. mortgage debts r really destroying the middle class and r making the west uncompetitive relative to other countries that use govt to keep price of labour low for industry


Inordinately Right
My argument is; if our government can find 1.7 trillion for one weapons system, the F35 fighter then it can find the money to keep us a first in the world power in brains and vocational training.
Forgiving student loan debt does not 'keep us a first in the world power in brains and vocational training'.

Your argument for for free higher education is separate from an argument for forgiving student loan debt.

If you borrow money, you should pay it back.
This isn't complicated.
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Well-Known Member
Forgiving student loan debt does not 'keep us a first in the world power in brains and vocational training'.

You're argument for for free higher education is separate from an argument for forgiving student loan debt.

If you borrow money, you should pay it back.
This isn't complicated.
Definitely not.

If banksters turn everyone into serfs by driving up the cost of housing, then those debts should b written off


Well-Known Member
Forgiving student loan debt does not 'keep us a first in the world power in brains and vocational training'.

You're argument for for free higher education is separate from an argument for forgiving student loan debt.

If you borrow money, you should pay it back.
This isn't complicated.
History is full of debt write offs. imagine if nazi germanys debt wasnt forgiven

Netsua 3:16

History is full of debt write offs. imagine if nazi germanys debt wasnt forgiven
Ricky, bro, we’re trying to pay the deficit off. We can’t afford anything except 10 zillion a year in military spending!!! Get with the program. At this pace we’re only 4 kajillion years away from becoming debt free. Think of the possibilities!!!


Well-Known Member
Forgiving student loan debt does not 'keep us a first in the world power in brains and vocational training'.

Your argument for for free higher education is separate from an argument for forgiving student loan debt.

If you borrow money, you should pay it back.
This isn't complicated.
Debts that cant b repaid wont

China controls its loans much better than the wests privatized model. if a biz cant repay the debt, its frequently written down ie forgiven.

Netsua 3:16

Debts that cant b repaid wont

China controls its loans much better than the wests privatized model. if a biz cant repay the debt, its frequently written down ie forgiven.
When you fail to properly audit any monetary system, this is what you get. A bunch of power grubbing dicks hoarding everything.
Then, we fight with each other over how we’re gonna control the definitively uncontrollable deficit; arguing over how humane we should be to each other. Gotta appease those masters! Waste not, want not guys


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
My daughter , 6 yrs out of college , actually took courses that would enable her to get a job , became an accountant, the firm gave her 5 k towards her masters , I told her to stay home and save money , she doubles down on her payments and now is debt free , she wasn't keen on living at home but all her friends had big rents while she paid off the loans , never once did she want a free ride ,


B.C. boohoo buster.
Yes you did.
I said people should pay back what they borrow your response was 'but the government doesn't'.
You're welcome.
Your point is a semantical --"us" and 'you"-- in the context of debt repayment. Student loans are a product of a quasi-government agency called Sallie Mae. Private student debt is eventually sold to Sallie Mae just like banks sell their mortgages to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They book profits and unload the liability onto the taxpayers.

You conflate personal loans with student loans and they are distinctively different kinds of obligations. The rules for getting a student loans is far more relaxed than personal loans and the rules of bankruptcy even more different. Student loans are nearly impossible to claim bankruptcy on unlike personal loans for cars, houses and businesses.


Well-Known Member
You need a history lesson son.
Heres some history. in 2008 the govt did a debt write off for wall st financial terrorists, none of whom have gone 2 jail yet for their massive fraud.

The govt couldve done a debt write off for voters, but only did it for the ppl it takes orders and money from the richest :censored2:s


Inordinately Right
Heres some history. in 2008 the govt did a debt write off for wall st financial terrorists, none of whom have gone 2 jail yet for their massive fraud.

The govt couldve done a debt write off for voters, but only did it for the ppl it takes orders and money from the richest :censored2:s
... and you think that is relevant to a discussion about why AOC, who makes $175k a year, doesn't want to honor her legal promise to pay back the money she borrowed.



Well-Known Member
My daughter , 6 yrs out of college , actually took courses that would enable her to get a job , became an accountant, the firm gave her 5 k towards her masters , I told her to stay home and save money , she doubles down on her payments and now is debt free , she wasn't keen on living at home but all her friends had big rents while she paid off the loans , never once did she want a free ride ,
Lending money which drives up price of education is a free lunch for financial class