As God as my witness, NEVER AGAIN !


Well-Known Member
It's all about the salt / sodium!

I love Taco Bell. Since I hit 50 my body just rejects it within half an hour.
My body ends up dumping more than I have eaten.
It's like a laxative!
On the other hand.... I'm loosing weight, and tastes so good.


Staff member
Does Taco Bell still have the chalupa? Used to come in a box with a hard shell taco, a soft shell taco, and the chalupa. A coke too I think, and it was $5. Hell of a lot of food for $5, loved it!
Does Taco Bell still have the chalupa? Used to come in a box with a hard shell taco, a soft shell taco, and the chalupa. A coke too I think, and it was $5. Hell of a lot of food for $5, loved it!


Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Does Taco Bell still have the chalupa? Used to come in a box with a hard shell taco, a soft shell taco, and the chalupa. A coke too I think, and it was $5. Hell of a lot of food for $5, loved it!

Yep, Chalupa Cravings Box. Got one today.


Well-Known Member
Try eating a spicy pizza and washing it all down with a 5th of vodka. I mean that stuff literally emptied me out. It was like turning the garden hose on and covering it with your thumb so you can get a good spray going. No more spicy food mixed with the vodki’s