Back Problems


Well-Known Member
Hi guys.

I've been at UPS this time for around 2 weeks doing preload, then my regular job, then loading in the pm (pm is much better). My muscles aren't sore anymore, but my back is killing me. I know that you're supposed to lift with your legs, pivot, etc, but at this speed, how is it actually done? Are there any tricks to it? I just want to make sure that when I can drive in 5 years, I'm not in a wheelchair.


Work on methods first, yea sups will complain and be a pain about it but your personal safety should always be first in your mind. As the repitition of the methods increases youll gain speed


Well-Known Member
I was hired off the street so I never worked on the inside so this may be a stupid question but wouldn't wearing a back belt or similar support device help? We (drivers) are allowed to wear them but, since they have to be worn under the uniform shirt, their use is more of a pain than the pain that they would be working to prevent/reduce.


I was hired off the street so I never worked on the inside so this may be a stupid question but wouldn't wearing a back belt or similar support device help? We (drivers) are allowed to wear them but, since they have to be worn under the uniform shirt, their use is more of a pain than the pain that they would be working to prevent/reduce.

Personally Ive never seen them used in a building, the problem ppl tend to not use them properly and they limit movement


Hi guys.

I've been at UPS this time for around 2 weeks doing preload, then my regular job, then loading in the pm (pm is much better). My muscles aren't sore anymore, but my back is killing me. I know that you're supposed to lift with your legs, pivot, etc, but at this speed, how is it actually done? Are there any tricks to it? I just want to make sure that when I can drive in 5 years, I'm not in a wheelchair.
Yeah, PM is much easier. I worked the preload 5 years making only $1 an hour more than those pansies! Ups ought to promote 3 preloaders, 1 reloader, and then 1 off road guy! Your muscles in your back will calm down, just make sure you bend at your knees, not at your waist. It may be quicker now, but you will pay for it down the road. Do you want to see a UPS man coming up the driveway in a wheelchair screaming "Timmy, Timmy, Tim, Tim, Timmy!"


Well-Known Member
Hi guys.

I've been at UPS this time for around 2 weeks doing preload, then my regular job, then loading in the pm (pm is much better). My muscles aren't sore anymore, but my back is killing me. I know that you're supposed to lift with your legs, pivot, etc, but at this speed, how is it actually done? Are there any tricks to it? I just want to make sure that when I can drive in 5 years, I'm not in a wheelchair.

You need to master proper lifting techniques now or you will never make it as a driver. Speed is secondary. Lifting properly takes priority.


Well-Known Member
Your back is going to hurt for three weeks until you develop those back muscles. you are going to think your back is broken, but it's just those unused back muscles.


Hi guys.

I've been at UPS this time for around 2 weeks doing preload, then my regular job, then loading in the pm (pm is much better). My muscles aren't sore anymore, but my back is killing me. I know that you're supposed to lift with your legs, pivot, etc, but at this speed, how is it actually done? Are there any tricks to it? I just want to make sure that when I can drive in 5 years, I'm not in a wheelchair.

Lots of good advice above..take heed!! :) I will add my own little tidbit for ya..
Make sure you keep your head up while bending/squatting. What helps me do this is every time I have to bend down or lower something..I just look up and around for a sup. Will keep you from looking down at the ground and bending at the waist. Keep your chin up and your butt tucked. If your back are not lifting properly..If your butt are using methods properly.


Retired 23 years
I always wondered how they expected you to lift with your legs when my pkg car was so over loaded that there was always one or two 70 lb. packages for your 1st stop that were loaded half way back in the truck, on the floor, five feet down, under a dozen other heavy pieces. Heck you were lucky to have enough space to be able to crawl across the top of the heap and lay on your stomach on top of the mountain of pkgs and scratch them up and out with your fingertips. Never failed.:happy2:


Lots of good advice above..take heed!! :) I will add my own little tidbit for ya..
Make sure you keep your head up while bending/squatting. What helps me do this is every time I have to bend down or lower something..I just look up and around for a sup. Will keep you from looking down at the ground and bending at the waist. Keep your chin up and your butt tucked. If your back are not lifting properly..If your butt are using methods properly.
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Well-Known Member
Lots of good advice above..take heed!! :) I will add my own little tidbit for ya..
Make sure you keep your head up while bending/squatting. What helps me do this is every time I have to bend down or lower something..I just look up and around for a sup. Will keep you from looking down at the ground and bending at the waist. Keep your chin up and your butt tucked. If your back are not lifting properly..If your butt are using methods properly.

Good point! Hard as it is, keep that head up. You can really feel the difference in your back when you do this properly.
I was going to say just about everything that the above people mentioned.
As a supervisor, I always tell my preloaders that safety is our #1 concern. Yeah, everybody is going to say "yeah, right". But it is. If you get hurt on the job, that is worse than not hitting PPH. If your supervisor gives you grief, tell him/her that your back hurts and you are trying to use all possible methods to prevent further back injury. If they still have a problem with that, I would talk to his sup/manager. Mine is extremely understanding. Hopefully your is too.


Well-Known Member
I've been using a brace, and gloves. Much better! My habit was over-reaching for packages. I've been slowing down a bit to lift with legs. I figured I better learn this right and be slower now, than work fast now and be crippled later.

I'm going to try to just go for PM. There's only 4 of us, a little slower pace, everyones much cooler-headed, and we get pizza twice a week. AM I unload 3.5 trailers, PM I only load 1.5. Plus, I just know what I'm doing more in the afternoon. doing both shifts, plus my regular job is a bit much. 18 hour days really suck.

Afternoon supes tell me that I'm doing a great job, everyone talks. AM supes just say faster, faster, keep the packages on one side of the belt so the scanner doesn't have to reach for the labels. They're not bad people, just much more demanding and annoying. Every morning I get "are you ready to work"? Well, I'm here right? Maybe tomorrow when he asks that I'll ask "Are you ready to supervise". He can take a joke I think.

Besides my venting, I like the job now that I'm a little used to it. I just wish I knew about this after high school instead of being 10 years behind.


Well-Known Member
So does your back hurt now or have you developed those back muscles now?

I'm still a little sore there, but I can't tell if it's my back muscles or my spine. My knees are hurting more. Today, my other AM supe told me that instead of picking up every package and putting it on the rollers, to knock a row down and just "label up". What a difference! I'm getting done faster, and hurting less. My usual supe is on vacation, so the guy that watches the package car loaders was helping me out. He told me a lot of stuff the other guy never said.

I spoke to my center manager this morning and get this...he thanked me for just being there on time. Apparently, the some of the AM guys like to show up late and call off a lot. I told him I'm still pretty slow, but he said "Don't worry about that. Learn to do it safe first, you'll build up the speed later". And said that I could pick any shift I felt better at. He's a really cool guy.


Well-Known Member
Hi guys.

I've been at UPS this time for around 2 weeks doing preload, then my regular job, then loading in the pm (pm is much better). My muscles aren't sore anymore, but my back is killing me. I know that you're supposed to lift with your legs, pivot, etc, but at this speed, how is it actually done? Are there any tricks to it? I just want to make sure that when I can drive in 5 years, I'm not in a wheelchair.

Are you in decent shape? What age? you may want to try exercising especially your core muscles. And of course lots of stretching before and after. squats, biking, situps, etc etc.


Well-Known Member
Are you in decent shape? What age? you may want to try exercising especially your core muscles. And of course lots of stretching before and after. squats, biking, situps, etc etc.

I'm 29, and was in terrible shape. Before I started, I was around 230 at 6'2, but I'm down to 195. I forgot the value of stretching until I started playing hockey again. I don't even know what core muscles are. I have very strong legs (skating), but my upper body is weak as hell. My thing is that I sweat like crazy. I don't tolerate heat very well at all. 70 degrees, and I'm soaked. I'm one of those weird guys wearing shorts when it's 35 out, and never wear a coat.

"After", I usually crash on the floor for 15 min, take a shower, hit Sheetz, and go to work again. I'm guessing that's bad right?


Well-Known Member
I'm 29, and was in terrible shape. Before I started, I was around 230 at 6'2, but I'm down to 195. I forgot the value of stretching until I started playing hockey again. I don't even know what core muscles are. I have very strong legs (skating), but my upper body is weak as hell. My thing is that I sweat like crazy. I don't tolerate heat very well at all. 70 degrees, and I'm soaked. I'm one of those weird guys wearing shorts when it's 35 out, and never wear a coat.

"After", I usually crash on the floor for 15 min, take a shower, hit Sheetz, and go to work again. I'm guessing that's bad right?

I have to goto work, but if you do some research when you have time, you can quickly take care of your back troubles with some effort and in a ltitle amount of time!