Cheryl-Went into chat room last night to have a nice couple of hours chatting with other regulars and others who would come in. There was a user in there already named YellowDog, said he was from corporate brand protection security. He said he was taking a survey of so that the UPS brand could be protected. He would ask everybody who came in how many years of service they had and whether or not they were retired. I asked him flat out what these questions had to do with protecting the UPS brand and he never did answer my question. He finally left but was immediately replaced with someone named BigRedDog who said he was a mgr of YellowDog. Needless to say this ruined the whole purpose of the chat room last night and we all left after a while. I understand that UPS has to protect their brand identity but this was beyond that. Yellowdog also was checking IPs and informed one person that they had two IPs and should check into getting spyware. I don't want to see the same thing happen here as happened on Brown, where he was made to take down the info he had posted on PAS but nothing will kill this chat room quicker than these jerks being on there.
End of rant.
End of rant.