Biden's supreme Court pick


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Pick #1 is Neil Young
Pick #2 is the shemale that just bowed out of Jeopardy.
Old man Neil will be dead come confirmation time so his pick, like everything else he's done, will be a big #2.


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Roe v Wade and is a business a person. That’s all Republican court appointments care about.
Saving millions of innocent lives SHOULD BE priority #1. Reversing that totally unconstitutional ruling would be the best day for America ever imo.
Save ewhales, turtles, manatees, wood peckers, etc etc. Kill babies. What's wrong with this picture.


Well-Known Member
If Biden had had a smidgen of sense, he would have appointed a black woman without announcing that he would ONLY appoint a black woman. He turned whoever that appointee is into a token.
I mean the comment about court pick..did win him the nomination and he is now President. Anybody but Trump has been accomplished. All good with me

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
They will chose’s a cult. Republicans bash women and minorities..that’s a poor strategy
Might it be fair to say that in 2022, Democrats bash men and whites to at least the same degree? Not the best strategy either.
Oh no. white men are scarred.Whitey can’t make it in America. Poor Whitey is suffering.

2022 is not 1852. It's strange that hard leftists like yourself are still trying to deny reality by insisting that it is.


Well-Known Member
Haha so 2 support him and 100 think he sucks. So yes you are correct.
A good deal more than two. And his textbooks are currently in use in law schools. He was considered the best legal mind in the country not already on the Supreme Court when he was nominated. Was serving on a Federal Circuit Court of Appeals and teaching at two universities when nominated. So let's hope Biden chooses someone with that kind of resume'.


Well-Known Member
A good deal more than two. And his textbooks are currently in use in law schools. He was considered the best legal mind in the country not already on the Supreme Court when he was nominated. Was serving on a Federal Circuit Court of Appeals and teaching at two universities when nominated. So let's hope Biden chooses someone with that kind of resume'.
Your confused. He is not Merrick Garland. Brett is the guy that likes beer and passed out girls


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