Black lung from pkg. dust?



Dammor....I've only been at UPS 4 years. Two at the hub and then two here at the center. I'm not sure how long I'll stay at UPS. There is something else I'm looking into now that's kind of a dream of mine so its about a 40/60 chance I'll retire from UPS. I'm sorry I've made so many "lengthy threads." When I write sometimes I can get into it and before I know it I've written a thesis. LoL. You should have seen my papers in high school and college. Reading and Writing was my stronger subjects.

Anyway...about your post. I know what you are saying. I worked in smalls at the hub which "should have" been the easiest job there but other people not showing up to work plus allot of deadweight up there made it hard on the rest of us. I worked harder in smalls then I do here loading/unloading because of those people. I rarely complained though which was good considering how much grief and frustration, which you mentioned, I went through up there. It's really amazing something bad didn't happen considering the temper I have. I would actually think back and be proud of myself on the way home once the anger would ware off after a night of doing 4 people's jobs half the night because they would just come into work when they felt like it or not at all. There were people working up there with 10, 15, and a few with 20+ years in as part-timers. They all said it doesn't really get any easier the longer you are there and that I'd eventually just laugh at the people that didn't come to work, or in some cases...didn't even work when they did show up. They said I would get used to doing those people's jobs. I didn't' believe them but I eventually did. Its different here though. Allot calmer and the people show up on time and every day. It's so laid back here and unless we get a heavy load on the feeder I don't even break a sweat most of the time. Even in the summer. The only problem is those rollers. We have calmly told ALL of our supervisors about them for a year and still nothing. I guess on these threads it seems like all I do is complain and that maybe that's how I am at work. That's not true at all. At work we don't whine about problems. We laugh about it because of the amount of effort we are having to put into just getting safer equipment. On here I bring up the problem and there are a few others that don't know how to respond and act like jerks for whatever reasons and reasons I've exposed them for. People take what I say WAAAAAY to seriously and blows it out of proportion. Others get mad at me and accuse me of being the reason why they are having to read threads with complaining, arguing, etc., when in actuality its their own faults for continuing to read them. How can people at this point in their lives blame someone else for something THEY do??? LOL. What you said about how someone gets something across has allot to do with how they present themselves is true but I've noticed over time that allot of the FT-Sups have the attitude that a part-time hourly employee can't be smart enough or worthy enough to provide any useful suggestions. I suggested something nicely at the hub one time and the lady got mad for some reason and went off so I of course got mad and we started arguing. I told her why I thought my suggestion was good for everyone and she interrupted and said "its non negotiable" then I told her she just didn't want to hear it. Well, the same thing happened here once with a FT-sup. I don't get it?!?! I don't consider sups or anyone that has a problem with me here enemies but I can't help but wonder why people have to go off like that and take things personal so quickly.


"Wow that was easy. Opinions are like :censored2:....and everyone has got one. Some just don't know how to differentiate between them and facts."When you can show me one part in the rules for this board that says "no complaining allowed" then you can tell me to stop complaining.

Gee opinions are like what..catchy phrase so clever. Write it down and copyright it. Its sure to catch on. Really not interested in enforcing any rules. You have a right to complain and I have a right to tell you that you complain too much.


"Tieguy....nobody looks for reasons to be unhappy"

You do. Start your own business and then tell me if your going to spend 100,000$ for an extendo to unload a feeder for an operation only processing 4 or 5 thousand packages a day. Hundreds of thousands of UPSers have worked with that type of equipment in small outlying buildings for many decades and somehow managed to get the job done.


"Gee opinions are like what..catchy phrase so clever. Write it down and copyright it. Its sure to catch on. Really not interested in enforcing any rules. You have a right to complain and I have a right to tell you that you complain too much."

Yes its unfortunate that you have to be a prick about it when you do so. And that's my opinion and I need not list examples as you continue to respond to each and every post with your smart ass remarks. Your cause reminds me of something I've seen on the Animal Planet Channel several times. It's funny watching an animal try and dig itself out of a hole cause it just keep digging itself in deeper. So amusing. Maybe I should write that down for publication. LOL

"You do. Start your own business and then tell me if your going to spend 100,000$ for an extendo to unload a feeder for an operation only processing 4 or 5 thousand packages a day. Hundreds of thousands of UPSers have worked with that type of equipment in small outlying buildings for many decades and somehow managed to get the job done."

I can't stress reading comprehension any more than I already have on this board. I shouldn't have to. If you had grasped that concept then you'd know that I have never made a stupid suggestion such as that our Center should have to buy an extendo! It would have sunk in days ago that my point was about getting and SAFER rollers and GOOD supports for them but it hasn't for some reason. I don't get it. Either you really can't understand or remember what has been said or you are actually the one looking for something to complain about because its not like I was speaking in another language when I explained what the deal was. It is definitely one of those two scenarios that is at play here. Either those two or you are just attempting to put words in my mouth then slander me for them in attempt to branch away from other things that I've exposed you for. Why do you continue to do this? Do you enjoy it? Why can't you understand that its about safer equipment that is well within our center's grasp financially and that your remarks have no bearing on the subject AT ALL and are really only playing into my hands? Its obvious because minus your constant badgering I've gotten more positive feedback from others and except for the people mad about the complaining, which I can understand, you seem to be the sole person with something negative to say about it and in doing so have continued your bullying tactics with no apparent reason for doing so other than for the simple fun of it. I find it hard to believe you really have any problem with us getting new rollers and that you are only doing this because you don't want to hear me complain. You know where the back button is on your browser. Try hitting it when you see a comment you don't like unless you have something civilized to contribute. There must be another motive behind it. I only dare ask what it is.

(Message edited by upslocal480 on October 25, 2002)


Hopefully loco480 will disappear like his brother "Sainttemo"! Lets stop responding to his beefs.


I'm not going anywhere and especially to satisfy people that could fix their own griefs from reading my posts by pushing the back buttons on their browsers. Once a few bad apples learn how to be civilized...only then will this board be nice and happy for everyone. This board is for all opinions and minds alike and unalike. Get over it.


"Why do you continue to do this? Do you enjoy it? Why can't you understand that its about safer equipment that is well within our center's grasp financially and that your remarks have no bearing on the subject AT ALL and are really only playing into my hands?"

Your right as I've found with other habitual complainers helping you is a lost cause. I'm sure UPS is gratefull you've been able to educate us on how screwed up we really are.


"I'm not going anywhere and especially to satisfy people that could fix their own griefs from reading my posts by pushing the back buttons on their browsers. Once a few bad apples learn how to be civilized...only then will this board be nice and happy for everyone. This board is for all opinions and minds alike and unalike. Get over it"

Yep and you've decided you will set the standard that we should all live by. I hear enough whining and complaining from the few at work who are determined to be unhappy. I would like my brown cafe experience to be a little more positive. You've been here a little while and I've sat back and watched you water the lawn with your tears for a good while before I finally jumped in. Lets try something goofy whiner. Why don't you start a new thread where you only talk about what you do like at your job. That should be a treat.


"Yep and you've decided you will set the standard that we should all live by. I hear enough whining and complaining from the few at work who are determined to be unhappy. I would like my brown cafe experience to be a little more positive. You've been here a little while and I've sat back and watched you water the lawn with your tears for a good while before I finally jumped in. Lets try something goofy whiner. Why don't you start a new thread where you only talk about what you do like at your job. That should be a treat."

No YOU have decided that you set the standard long ago and anyone that doesn't appear to fit into your selfish, unrealistic, and whacko perception of what that standard should be is automatically slandered for it by you as if they just cussed your family. Now it appears that you have some grudge against anyone that isn't jumping for joy for their jobs 24/7 at your own center/hub and feel you must slander others anonymously here safely behind your computer on this message board in an attempt to vent frustration for your inability to communicate with employees, or anyone on here, in a professional manor. Now you've resorted to name calling again ("goofy whiner"). I guess you've found a shovel to help dig yourself deeper in that hole. You are the one that's been whining as of late. Whining about whining and supporting such with name calling and complaints of personal dealings at work is proof of some of my thoughts on why you are being acting like such an :censored2:. I bring legitimate topics, whether they are problems or "pleasant," to the table and get harassed by you for it nonstop and I continue to point out that it was all about safety and rollers and you offer more negative remarks each time. It's obvious that it is you that is the one that is unhappy with you current place in the company and are attempting to bring your world down on me. It must suck working for you at that UPS if you act like this on the job. I on the other hand can honestly say I have complained twice here at this center. Once for rollers collapsing and missing my knees by an inch and the other for the package car rollers being sub par and sending a heavy package back at me and the result being a smashed bloody finger. I believe those two complaints were more than warranted. But I guess in your eyes I don't didn't have the right to mention it there because that was only whining and especially didn't have the right to mention it here because you are being held at gun point by me each day and forced to read about it. Oh and of course no right to mention it here because it doesn't make your Brown Cafe experience pleasant. You want it pleasant....stop being a jerk! Thank you. Good-bye.


"Your right as I've found with other habitual complainers helping you is a lost cause. I'm sure UPS is gratefull you've been able to educate us on how screwed up we really are. "

If you call what you have been doing (name calling, smart ass remarks, etc.) an attempt to "help" me then I feel sorry for anyone that has to put up with you when you are trying to screw them over. I haven't had to educate anyone of how screwed up UPS is nor have I made an attempt to do so...unless you are stating that me pointing out our safety issue as doing know.?.?.?.wanting new and safer roll...OH MY BAD! You still haven't grasped that concept yet. I need not explain that too you for the 13th time. If you are going to continue to waste your time on this quest to...well whatever it is you are'd be well advised to at least state why you are doing so because so far I have yet to see a reason why, which leads me to believe that I am the only UPS employee that you can vent on without worrying about the consequences that would occur if you did it at work to the people that are apparently screwing up your whole "happy" world at UPS by complaining but you can't say to them what you say to me.


Would someone, anyone, please drive a stake through the evil heart of this thread!

Anyone have a silver bullet, some garlic, a crucifix, a mirror, anything that will KILL this?

(Message edited by robonono on October 26, 2002)


Every society has jails to hold a community's undesirables. Look at this thread as the BrownCafe Jail that maintains the undesirable posts most folks aren't interested in. I do think they do serve a humorous service from time to time however.

If these posts aren't here they will get interlaced among the other threads so there is a bright side. I ignored the thread until I saw your name posted on the thread board so I wanted to see what you had to say. It's your fault I came here.

I do understand what you're saying and you are right however!



Wow! I started this post back on Sept 27th! I really really really did not mean to sound whinny, or complaining....I was and still am just curiouse if I should be concerned with the condition of my lungs as a non-smoker. I really love my job, I too, see those guy's in my delivery travels, mowing grass, wich is what I did before I worked here, 15 years ago now, and thank God that I am at least being better paid for my efforts these days. I wipe the shelves in my truck down with a rag and sweep it out every other day or so, but I realize there will always be the pkg. grit & grime! Sorry people!


my comments are not directed at you but the fedex guy from ohio who has yet to say one positive thing on this board. Notice he didn't jump on the opportunity to start a positive thread but instead showed us some more of his tears.


You said, "I hit the nail on the head" so I assume you're talking about the part where I sated, "you are right however!"

OK, this thread is waste of server space so let's have some fun!


"my comments are not directed at you but the fedex guy from ohio who has yet to say one positive thing on this board. Notice he didn't jump on the opportunity to start a positive thread but instead showed us some more of his tears."

Who is the "Fed Ex Guy from Ohio"??? Oh by the way...I did start a "positive" thread before your supposed "challenge" was submitted. Your confusion on where people come from and what company they work for and missing, or not understanding, other threads that have been posted, can only be traced back to one thing. AGAIN.......READING COMPREHENSION!!!!!!!


Yes my friend your right. Its better to lash out at the people who have actually tried to help you then to except responsibility for your outlook on life.


"Yes my friend your right. Its better to lash out at the people who have actually tried to help you then to except responsibility for your outlook on life."

This is getting comical. You probably, and sadly, think I have lashed out at people that have tried to help me. If you were capable of absorbing and retaining information that you read long enough to understand it then you'd remember that I havn't lashed out at ANYONE that has helped me and only lashed out at the ones, mainly you, in self defense of your own baseless lashings. Not that it has anything to do with your little crusade to sit on the thrown of jerks...but my taking responsibility isn't in question here nor has it been. Again you are attempting to sway away from the issue. You seem to think you have the right to judge other people's outlooks on life and feel compelled to attack anyone's that doesn't mirrow yours. I imagine that you have a PCM with your employees everyday where they are forced to bow before you and recite your rules of character, (<~~~now that's a contridiction), that you have forced upon them so that they all are your own personal brainwashed slaves that want to be like you and are in love with the company.


You are wasting your time, Tieguy, this guy will never stop. He is never consistent either, just keeps changing his story to fit whatever he is currently posting, this tendency goes all the way back to his 1st post where he threatened to trash the loads of all the drivers who voted yes on the contract. When confronted, he changed his tune and tried some line about how it was gonna some other guys who were gonna do it, he just overheard them or something....whatever. He suckered some people on this board into trying to help him with his myriad problems, but they are finding out that trying to help this guy is like swinging at that old tar-baby, you just get sucked deeper into his BS. In following this guys posts, it becomes clear that
1. He doesn't want to do his job (no good to the company)
2. He doesn't want to pay his union dues (no good to the union)
3. He sure does like to run his mouth on this message board (no good to us)
He's basically saintteamo with better grammar.
You may continue to argue with him if you wish, but remember what the wiseman said:
Never argue with an idiot, he will just drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience

(Message edited by deliver_man on October 29, 2002)