Black lung from pkg. dust?



You are wasting your time, Tieguy, this guy will never stop.

HA HA. Are you and Tieguy best friends now? It would make since. So he has stopped and I'm arguing with myself? lol

He is never consistent either, just keeps changing his story to fit whatever he is currently posting, this tendency goes all the way back to his 1st post where he threatened to trash the loads of all the drivers who voted yes on the contract. When confronted, he changed his tune and tried some line about how it was gonna some other guys who were gonna do it, he just overheard them or something....whatever.

Your attempt to put words in my mouth due to your lack of reading skills is once again being thwarted. Who are you to challenge anyone for anything based on an opinion or even a fact? I am the one that is consistent. You and your boy had the tendency to sway away from certain thrashings to make room for others after each was exposed for what they were.

He suckered some people on this board into trying to help him with his myriad problems, but they are finding out that trying to help this guy is like swinging at that old tar-baby, you just get sucked deeper into his BS.

No one was suckered into anything. People have helped me out by their own free will because the had the common decency to do so instead of lowering themselves to you and Tieguy's levels of forcing opinions on me and thrashing me for not mirroring your lives.

In following this guys posts, it becomes clear that
1. He doesn't want to do his job (no good to the company)

My desire to do my job was never an issue on my posts until you brought it up as an attempt to deviate from your pointless thrashings that were exposed for being based on your on personal opinion.

2. He doesn't want to pay his union dues (no good to the union)

My reason for not paying union dues was clearly stated in blue, English letters which should have made it even more clearly understood that my reason was NOT simply for not wanting to pay dues but for, in fact, wanting to save money due to a tight budget. Maybe you and Tieguy should ride to Reading Classes together. Although, that might be a problem for you two cause there are lots of street signs that require reading.

3. He sure does like to run his mouth on this message board (no good to us)

HA HA HA! That is truly the most ignorant thing I've heard from both of you yet! LOL. Oh please scroll through all of our posts and tell me you haven't just made the biggest self contradiction in your life. Now that's how you shoot yourself in the foot. LOL I have little, if any, shame for my comments simply because I have been on the defensive the entire time against jerks that lash out at me for something they can't handle talking about without being those jerks.

He's basically saintteamo with better grammar.
You may continue to argue with him if you wish, but remember what the wiseman said:
Never argue with an idiot, he will just drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience

First of all....I have no doubt that I might be arguing with idiots. It appears that you have contradicted yourself again and Tieguy could certainly not claim to follow your quote either. If you believe in that then why have both of you continued to argue? I have a two good quotes for you....

"The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions."

"If all mankind were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."

Yes this will continue as long as I'm being attacked for basically nothing. Sorry...if you want it to stop then it's time to stop attacking me for anything and everything. If you want to discuss something why not be civilized? So far I've seen nothing but attacks and hypocritical comments about me. It's not looking too good guys.


How bout them Titans? Just when you think they have no clue as to how to play the game they are playing for first place in their division! Gotta love NFL.


You may continue to argue with him if you wish, but remember what the wiseman said:
"Never argue with an idiot, he will just drag you down to his level and then beat you with experience
peace "

your right deliver. I think the guy may actually be one of those message board sicko's who will say or do anything to keep himself the center of attention. Look how he perked up when you exposed him and wrote the 15 page essay in response.


I was at the Bills/Titans playoff game. I almost died there. It was a lateral! lol