Build a mosque...


Strength through joy
if barry wishes for a mosque to be built, then why not have it in Chicago, I hear he has some land there that he's not using.


Für Meno :)
I think "no religion" would be the best. Why in the world do we want someone who believes in magic who also has his finger on the nuclear trigger?

Ever since more then 3 decades ago, when John Lennon wrote and sang this song.
He was soo dead on ! And 100% right. That's the kind of world, that could easilly make world peace. (and a reminder, at this time Ireland was still in war with Protestants fighting Catholics,
that was sad and I never understood that, myself, and it kept me away from ever believing in a certain religion).

If they cant take a joke, nuke `em.


(*** is it about posting pics anymore?)


Für Meno :)
In Chicago right next to that man club that Obama & Rahm joined.....

You know something. I was watching New Yorkers being interviewed today on the news.
Someone actually made a really good point.

He said, he doesn't understand why the president or even federal politicians should even have a say in this matter.
It's a local matter. It should be up to New Yorkers only.

He is right ! They don't mix and mangel in, when any other church is being built.
All it is, is dirty politics once again at work.
Always looking for some kind of dirt.
And it is a few blocks away. Making an elefant out of a mouse, again. Should have never gone nationally.


golden ticket member
Could you list the religions along with your approval for them so that we could have an idea of what the president could be before you would approve/disapprove of him?

For example:
Muslim / disapprove (obviously from your posts)
Jew / ?
Christian / ?
Buddhist / ?
Canadian travel Agent / ?
etc / ?

It's not what religion or any that our presdient's that he protests too much when someone says he's a Muslim. IMO I believe he hides what he is and that is the problem I have. The only reason he lasted 20 years in Rev.Wright's church was because he actually liked the hatred spewed from that pulpit. You can't listen to that crap for 20 years and be unphased. He is what he is........I have my opinion and you all have yours.


Für Meno :)
Tony, ofcourse not.
But the city would decide what they will rebuild there.
It;s our city, our property taxes, our own community.

I wouldn't want the feds to decide what and what not can be built in our own jurisdiction and community.
It should be up to the people that live here.

And just to let you know, I sure wouldn't be happy about a Mosque being built there, either !


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
It should be up to the people that live here.

Wouldn't that be nice...If it were up to the people...

Most New Yorkers Oppose Ground Zero Mosque: Poll

Fifty-two percent of the respondents said they did not want the mosque to be built at all, 31 percent are in favor of it, and 17 percent are undecided.

"New York enjoys a reputation as one of the most tolerant places in America, but New Yorkers are opposed to a proposal to build a mosque two blocks from Ground Zero.


Für Meno :)
Problem is, there is no such bylaw, that won't allow a church or a religious place being built anywhere, I doubt.
You can restrict liquor stores , peep shows, adult stores, from school neighborhoods, etc.
Factories from housing projects.

But, how can you legally stop a "church" ?

Only thing New Yorkers could do now, is start demostrating around it, day by day by day, and hopefully the project bulider changes it's mind.


Staff member
Remember all the rhetoric at the time? "We will never forget!"

Unfortunately, memories do fade. Nine years later and only 52% of New Yorkers remember. Obama has forgotten.


They'll play hell finding union labor to work on the monstrosity.

Well, to be honest if the unions don't want to do the work, the planners of the mosque will be able to find cheaper help. I hope the unions don't picket around a worksite that they didn't want to do work on.


Well then let me ask me a question, how far away from ground zero can it be before a mosque can be erected? 4 blocks, 7 blocks, 2 miles, 570 miles?

Also, it seems to me that the friend.b.i would love to have a bee hive to take pictures in front of .


Well-Known Member
Boorish behavior degrades the level of discussion, demeans the other members and undermines the credibility of the entire community. If you can't post without profanity or making personal attacks then this is not the forum for you.

The difference between that type of spontaneous verbal venting and posting on a public internet forum is that here it is likely that your words will be read by a couple of hundred people of varying sensibilities and life experience. When you post here think of it as if you are speaking into a microphone to a large and diverse audience from all walks of life. Would you have chosen to make the personal attacks you made on another member here if you were speaking in a public place, face to face with hundreds of people? I doubt it...

Your infraction was given on 8/11 so all of your posts will be diverted to the moderation queue until 8/21. I realize that you find that frustrating but that's the way we do it around here. Think of it as a cooling off period.
I se how this works the new guy get punished and two pages over (building mosque)profanity runs amok because they have been here longer.