Business Journal - Here's The Story Behind The Strike That Got 250 UPS Workers Fired


Well-Known Member
I believe I saw on one of these related threads on 804 --that someone in the 804 area posted that the Business Agent --Liam --was a former UPS driver that was Discharged from the Company--the Union made him a Business Agent --put him back in the building he used to work in to "put it in the Companies face" ???
Yes, the union made him a Business Agent and then the membership confirmed that decision by voting him and entire board back in 2 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Talk about the real story --A driver that could not save his own job is given the job to represent drivers ???
It seems his union representation was not up to the job in 2007, 2008 when he was fired and discharged. It was the old E/B that could not save their member's job. Stop blaming the victim.


Well-Known Member
It seems his union representation was not up to the job in 2007, 2008 when he was fired and discharged. It was the old E/B that could not save their member's job. Stop blaming the victim.

Victim? He was fired for production which basically means he couldn't do the job.

I ask again---why in the world would 804 put Liam back in the same bldg he was walked out of? That would be like the Yankees cutting Jeter and bringing him back as manager.

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Well-Known Member
Does not sound like the Melville decision is the magic bullet for this
Leave your emotions out of this and consider :
1. At center level the MAnager has a hearing with the shop Stewart and driver accusing him of a Cardinal Sin Offense. Places the Driver on a paid not working notice of Discharge.

2. The Shop Stewart and Driver notify The Business Agent to set up a hearing.

3. By this time the Manager has reviewed all details, evidence and testimony with the Division Manager, Labor Manager and District Manager. The District Manager will usually have the Labor Manager review the case with Legal and region and Corporate Labor.

4.A hearing is held with the Business Agent and all parties--last shot in grievance procedure before panel or Arbitration---there is no wild cat strike option.

There was obviously no Company Violation of the Grievance procedure.
The Union--well now an Arbitrator will be deciding that plus the fate of 250 Drivers -- led on Strike by a Fired Employee with a personal vendetta acting as a Business Agent.
Does not sound so good !!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
CLOCKING IN EARLY happens EVERYWHERE in the UPS system. Its an argument we continue to have with UPS.

Its the managers job to PREVENT the starting of work prior to start time and yet, managers and supervisors across the country allow this to happen.

Drivers come in early, hop into their trucks, begin loading, and then leave before start time. They simply change their start time in DIAD and drive off. Usually, these are production drivers who get away with it as the management wont bother someone busting it out during the day.

In the case of 804, the local has to establish that UPS allows drivers to change start times WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION across this country and for the HUB in 804 to use this as an excuse to terminate an employee is invalid.

You cant have selective prosecution or "desparate treatment" of employees even out of jurisdiction. One company, One voice.



Well-Known Member
Probably logs in under "safety meeting" or "chsp".

No, I'm saying that there is no way they would allow any of us to "start early" when the preload is wrapped. Believe me, I have tried---there have been days when the preload is wrapped 30-45 minutes before our start time and they still refuse to let us "start early".

Even if he were to log in under CHSP, wouldn't the times he puts in for the "meeting" conflict with his leave building time?


nowhere special
Preload is wrapped up early there? Most places its never done and they send preloaders home and have the drivers finish loading their trucks. In UPS economics its "cheaper" to pay the driver than a part timer making 1/3 as much per hour. But that makes the preload numbers look better which is more important. And UPS hopes drivers will skip breaks to try to catch up for lost time.


Well-Known Member
The preload is normally wrapped up either just before or shortly after our start time.

Today we start at 9---I will get there about 8:30 and would bet that the preload will be wrapped.


nowhere special
In my center frequently they were still sorting after drivers started. So they would start drivers later. Then preloaders later. And they still wouldn't be done. It made it almost impossible to get out of the building in time to get all NDA's delivered, and they would almost never use air drivers. It was, Have A Nice Day!


Well-Known Member
Our DM has moved some feeder work around and our start time T-friend is being moved from 9:40 to 9:25 with the hopes of moving it to 9:15 in the near future. We start at 9 on Mondays and our center manager hopes to push that back to 8:45.

10 point

Well-Known Member
"Other work" runs prior to start time (you punch in prior to your lv bldg time).
The issue is starting early and it depends on what you code in at what time prior to start time.