Cadillac Tax


Extra Large Package
I think you have mistaken CNN for Faux News.
No they're both bad really, but CNN is 10 times worse. The only ones on Fox that are worthwhile are Hannity and Tucker Carlson. Glad they got rid of Megan though. She was a Hill shill.


Nine Lives
I think you have mistaken CNN for Faux News.
Pretty much equal in my eyes ... these two are the worst along with MSNBC.
You listen to these networks and they are all over the place and then the truth is rarely what any of these networks put out there.

On my soapbox again ... but it's ridiculous that one has to listen to 3 or more media outlets and then you have to deduce the truth understanding that whatever any of these outlets put out there more than likely is not the truth.

Can you tell it frustrates me?


Wherever I see Trump, it smells like he's Putin.
Pretty much all of the media, on both sides, push narratives that are filled with bs and sprinkled with truthy bits, just enough to give a flavor of integrity.

The whole point of these shid shows, is to keep the masses arguing about mostly pointless crap (while the moneyed owners are pulling the strings over our heads) so that we never quite come together and pull them down from their pedestal.

Can you just imagine, a time when the major divide would set aside the half dozen or so trigger point issues we always fight about (that so effectively provide the cover the owners require) and come together in a really meaningful way, and put the boot to the dumb asses that currently qualify as "news reporters"?

That's what they fear the most.


Well-Known Member
Ted Koppel one the the few remaining true TV journalists summed it all up correctly when he said that the American people need to identify the difference between an opinion show and a news show.At the same time whether you are a conservative or a progressive what is currently taking place in the halls of power is alarming and in the Trump camp it's only a matter of time until somebody cracks under the pressure and talks in exchange for immunity . In the end I believe that person will disclose that the Trump organization owes millions to Sberbank and other state owned and Putin controlled banks that were never disclosed. If that is the case and evidence shows that the Russian's did influence the last election then Trump's own party will have to do a Nixon. Go up to the White House and tell Trump to get out. If this is what they have to do and he refuses to go then the nation will enter an entirely new chapter in the history of the nation will unfold. As for the media's behavior. It all points back to the FCC's elimination of the Fairness Doctrine requiring the media to take the measures needed to tell both sides of the story. As well all know nobody does it better than Fox"fair and balanced " News. Yea right.