Well-Known Member
The only phone I use is a cell phone. I have no landline phone at my house. So in the contact info that UPS has for me, it lists my cell number. Anyway, now and then I have been called early to see if I wanted to preload. Apparently, the good managment team figured out that this was my cell number becuase now I get calls on the road from my sup, dispatch, other drivers who were given my number by sups, etc. What do you think of this practice? I never gave anyone permission in the office to call my cell phone. I really don't mind them using my minutes as I never go over my plan's minute allowance. I'd actually rather have them call me then ODS message me because I can't stand sending ODS messages now with the infamous shift key now. Anyway, most people would view this as a trivial matter, but it kind of irks me that they my cell while I'm on road. Obviously I have caller ID and can just ignore the calls. I thank everyone in advance for their opinion on this