China "Dog Meat" Festival Begins


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Climate change-10,000 plus years ago. Canada was one huge sheet of ice.



Well-Known Member
i was listening to ralph nader radio, russel mokiber of hte corporate crime reporter said the white house admin, with its unmatched high moral character, is going to allowed imported chicken from china because china is going to allow american beef. china btw has a weak food inspection agency so good luck with that.

i also saw on the corporate news that there was an outbreak of something in breaded chicken, which by coincidence my parents ate that very night.


Well-Known Member
Many a single person stood alone and history has shown many of them were right. The bandwagon fallacy is not a good argument.
especially if you look at the conversation we just had before op needs made that statement :S . twilight zone stuff...

whether people agree with you or not, doesnt make you right." - rickyb

It may not make me right, but it makes you wrong if so many people agreed with me. :) - op needs


Well-Known Member
Thats why we have the electoral college.

Likely more to it than that but on a certain level, yes. But then those able to actually vote at the time was drastically reduced from what it is today. But all that is for another thread. This one is about Chinese recipes for Labrador Retriever stir fry and German Shepard Lo Mein.