Comey Testimony


nowhere special
comeys a hack and six months ago democrats were saying the same thing. Now were supposed to believe he is some kind of savior. I never liked comey before or after trump.

Comey always had his own agenda and got burnt when he tried to play too many of his own power games.


Nine Lives
1) Trump may very well be under investigation. That was pretty much confirmed. HUH???

2) Comey came out just fine, if you believe truth will prevail.

1) For what? Russian collusion and involvement was removed by Comey today. I guess the Anti-Trumpers are switching from Russia to 'obstruction of justice.

2) Comey had his shield and credibility tarnished a bit ... still much better shape than Trump.
I'd still believe Comey before Trump in general ...
However, Comey seems emotional and vindictive towards Trump and in his testimony ... that clouds the credibility of Comey when it comes to Trump.
Of course, on the flip side, Trump hates Comey and I would not accept anything from Trump about Comey as credible.


Nine Lives
comeys a hack and six months ago democrats were saying the same thing. Now were supposed to believe he is some kind of savior. I never liked comey before or after trump.
I did not know who Comey was before the Clinton e-mail debacle occurred. It's like Comey had a mental breakdown at that point. His behavior in the last year has been out of character it appears.
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PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
The Rothstein memo says it all he deserved to be fired .All today's papers(fake news) are focusing on is his opening statement saying Trump lied about FBI, poor guy his feelings were hurt. Not that he messed up the Hillary "matter" ,not that he leaked his memos, and not that he knew all along that Trump was not being investigated as Rubio so clearly brought to the fore. The FBI is part of the executive and it's director serves at the pleasure of the President and likewise draws it's authority from the same. The only obstruction here was a witch hunt and huge waste of money by the left wing liberals and their sponsors the left leaning media. Let's get on with the running of the country.


Nine Lives
Comey always had his own agenda and got burnt when he tried to play too many of his own power games.
Exactly how I feel ... he is in a position that is not suppose to be political and he has been all mixed up in the politics of the Presidential election. He is totally out of league when it comes to playing political games.


Nine Lives
snowden and wikileaks are saying comey unlawfully leaked info. cool

James Comey admits to being a leaker; used cutout to leak to NYTimes to get a special council appointed
I thought the visuals of the Senator from Maine during this part of Comey's testimony was amusing.
It was like her face was saying, "I can't believe you are saying this!" but she stayed in her chair.


Nine Lives
the poor guy did not have the courage to speak up with either lynch or trump when confronted with issues he disagreed with. what a pusillanimous
That aspect of Comey's testimony was revealing ... he appeared in charge and above the turmoil but it appears he was as scared as a kid in a thunderstorm underneath that exterior.


Fight the power.


Nine Lives
Comey did hurt himself more than Trump is about the only result.
My take on this is that the 'amount' of damage done was greater on Trump.
The damage to Comey was less but he was starting from close to 'perfection'.
It's that percentage way of looking at things coming into play again ...
Trump damage done = 3% change.
Comey damage done = 13% change.
So, while it was a worse day for Trump, he is already so damaged that today it was hardly noticeable.


nowhere special
I thought the visuals of the Senator from Maine during this part of Comey's testimony was amusing.
It was like her face was saying, "I can't believe you are saying this!" but she stayed in her chair.

Was she the one who was shaking like she had Parkinson's? She seemed to be mentally alert at least. Unlike McCain.