Dealing with rogue cats...


double tap o da horn dooshbag
aren't as bad as dogs. Butt...


Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
It’s also good practice to walk across the customer’s lawn rather than on the driveway. What a total loser this one. :mad:


Well-Known Member
Orange is the new Ground. The cat was visible for the whole walk across the lawn. Driver had to huff and puff to the door, probably would have tossed the package without the friendly cat around.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
I'd agree, but dude, look at the condition of that lawn! No harm, no foul.
Yeah I noticed, but still, should be common courtesy. Perhaps the homeowner gave up on trying to have a nice lawn due to too many inconsiderate a-holes traipsing across it like this felinophobic princess.

I highly doubt that’s the case here, but still....a little courtesy. ;)


double tap o da horn dooshbag

His sign isn't up anymore... guess he knew that he doesn't have golf course quality grass and paved driveways


Retired 23 years
Why do I get the impression that on a good day she can put out about 25 stops and complain she has too much work.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
And doesn't close the door to her truck because "I'd just have to open it again a minute later."
No, it's a matter of personal safety. "Leave yourself an out (or in)" when delivering in wilderness areas. You never know when you might be attacked by a feral feline, and need the immediate safety of your cab.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
No, it's a matter of personal safety. "Leave yourself an out (or in)" when delivering in wilderness areas. You never know when you might be attacked by a feral feline, and need the immediate safety of your cab.

You've got a point. She showed blistering speed on the way back to the truck. She looked like a blur. Can't have that closed door slowing her down!


Well-Known Member
X employees are provided with industry leading comprehensive benefit packages in the event of a random mauling by a customer's Bengal tiger or Maine Coon Cat.