Many years ago ups brought in a new division mgr thatbecause of his tattoos and Marines backgroud we nick named Jar Head Bob. One day while visiting his offic as a stewarde following up on a grievance he pulled out a folder and stated that he was concerned about some of theb "negative " things I wrote and distributed to workers. He then produced a current copy of the TDU Conoy Dispatch. He asked me to read anm article in it. The article quoted a leaked memp from the President of Roadway Trucking to all his managers,. It told them that during the next month he wanted increased productivity and reduced costs. Also that he wanted them to use warning letters,suspensions and discharges to kick but on the union workers to comply. THe memo ended with him stating that if any manager lacked the balls to do this then he would be fired.
After reading it Jar Head Bob asked me if I thought this was a negative type of company and would agree that ups was much better. I responded that Roadway was clearly negative but asked him if he would work for a company like that. JaR head Bob responded that he wouldnt. Then i asked him that if the company had the same intents as this Roadway president but disguised it in positive nice and just sounding terms would he still consider it negative and not want to be part of such a company. Jar head Bob responded that yes it would stillbe negative and he had too much personaL INTEGRITY TO BE A PARTY TO SUCH NI MATTER HOW WORDED OR DISGUISED. tHEN i ASKED HIM WHAT IF THE MEMO0 READ THAT rOADWAY INORDER TO FURTHER THE BEST INTERESTS OF IT;S SHAREHOLDERS,MGMT And its WELL PAuid union employees found it neccessary to increase productivity that month through increased productivity and safe and efficient work methods. also that in order to effectively do so,that workers would be held accountable to working with a sense of urgeny and employing safe and efficient work methods. And finally that mgrs would be held strictly accountable for holding thier people accountable. THen I said 'SEe clearly now? Jar Head Bob nearly turned white faced as he responded "Get out of my office. You are dangherous to talk to" He never did fully look me in the eye after that day.SO mgrs reading this post . dO you see clearly now?
After reading it Jar Head Bob asked me if I thought this was a negative type of company and would agree that ups was much better. I responded that Roadway was clearly negative but asked him if he would work for a company like that. JaR head Bob responded that he wouldnt. Then i asked him that if the company had the same intents as this Roadway president but disguised it in positive nice and just sounding terms would he still consider it negative and not want to be part of such a company. Jar head Bob responded that yes it would stillbe negative and he had too much personaL INTEGRITY TO BE A PARTY TO SUCH NI MATTER HOW WORDED OR DISGUISED. tHEN i ASKED HIM WHAT IF THE MEMO0 READ THAT rOADWAY INORDER TO FURTHER THE BEST INTERESTS OF IT;S SHAREHOLDERS,MGMT And its WELL PAuid union employees found it neccessary to increase productivity that month through increased productivity and safe and efficient work methods. also that in order to effectively do so,that workers would be held accountable to working with a sense of urgeny and employing safe and efficient work methods. And finally that mgrs would be held strictly accountable for holding thier people accountable. THen I said 'SEe clearly now? Jar Head Bob nearly turned white faced as he responded "Get out of my office. You are dangherous to talk to" He never did fully look me in the eye after that day.SO mgrs reading this post . dO you see clearly now?