Does anyone else think being understaffed is a safety issue?

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
Believe it or not Monday is not usually that bad. Today however was a * joke. We have two guys at the very end with six trucks so they're getting a lot of stuff and of course the belt jams up and boxes all over the floor and then a supervisor has the nerve to get on to me for helping them out. Like I'm sorry am I not supposed to fix the tripping hazard lmao the supervisors are completely useless I don't know why we keep them around when they will not touch a box on days like this. And then they also wonder why we just say * it and throw it all in the truck
No, it's a time issue, and they should just scrap PT


Unless you have my BA. Then you basically need to be a unicorn to file on sups working

We’ve been told it’s a loss here as well if the company is actively hiring and the shift is short staffed. Then it gets even dicier when you have 20 call outs.
I've found the best opportunity to file on sups working is after they've started sending people home. They have an excuse handy for any other scenario, but at least in the buildings I've worked at, they could never get around that one.