So I’m looking for advice, iv been a part time preloader for 6 months started just before peek season mid October and I’m liking my coworkers we get along but today was a great example of how blind management is. As an 18year old I’ll freely admit I’m not the most stable person emotionally but iv shown up to work on time everyday except for a few days during peek pulling 8-9 hour shifts for 6 days a week iv never challenged my supervisor or management, well that changed today Saturday are a mixed bag usually on different area but what ever well I’m like the only person to never get loading platforms behind the trucks despite being on the heaviest belt in the building. So it’s about 10-20 minutes till drivers leave and I’m having a hard time getting everything loaded big boxes no platforms after a 9 piece shipment of 6ft 70+ Pound steel beams comes down into my loading area that I have to load pitching my fingers and hands multiple times I start to have a full blown mental brake down, (because I literally have to deal with stuff like this every single day endless numbers of packages all for one truck coming down all the same time with nowhere to put them)my belt sup is loading one my trucking getting thing fixed, and a female driver supervisor is on the belt trying to get people to finish up well she decides to tell me a openly crying “young man” (that’s been doing this job six months with no room to work everyday ) that it’s my job to stop loading my trucks and pass a 25 pound plastic tube up 4 cars. As I’m running to to the end of the belt to grab a 6x4x1ft box that came down the wrong side of the belt I tell her it’s not my gosh darn job to fix other peoples problems, she a driver supervisor proceeds to threaten my employment. For I quote ”cussing her out”. This is a person who has caught manipulating paystub’s for part-time employees when she was a part-time supervisor. Am I done here and just move on? Or should I bring this to my union steward, I honestly feel like it’s disingenuous to make me go through 15 15minute sessions across 15 Wednesdays to tell me how to do my job safer well I’m tripping over boxes every day

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
So I’m looking for advice, iv been a part time preloader for 6 months started just before peek season mid October and I’m liking my coworkers we get along but today was a great example of how blind management is. As an 18year old I’ll freely admit I’m not the most stable person emotionally but iv shown up to work on time everyday except for a few days during peek pulling 8-9 hour shifts for 6 days a week iv never challenged my supervisor or management, well that changed today Saturday are a mixed bag usually on different area but what ever well I’m like the only person to never get loading platforms behind the trucks despite being on the heaviest belt in the building. So it’s about 10-20 minutes till drivers leave and I’m having a hard time getting everything loaded big boxes no platforms after a 9 piece shipment of 6ft 70+ Pound steel beams comes down into my loading area that I have to load pitching my fingers and hands multiple times I start to have a full blown mental brake down, (because I literally have to deal with stuff like this every single day endless numbers of packages all for one truck coming down all the same time with nowhere to put them)my belt sup is loading one my trucking getting thing fixed, and a female driver supervisor is on the belt trying to get people to finish up well she decides to tell me a openly crying “young man” (that’s been doing this job six months with no room to work everyday ) that it’s my job to stop loading my trucks and pass a 25 pound plastic tube up 4 cars. As I’m running to to the end of the belt to grab a 6x4x1ft box that came down the wrong side of the belt I tell her it’s not my gosh darn job to fix other peoples problems, she a driver supervisor proceeds to threaten my employment. For I quote ”cussing her out”. This is a person who has caught manipulating paystub’s for part-time employees when she was a part-time supervisor. Am I done here and just move on? Or should I bring this to my union steward, I honestly feel like it’s disingenuous to make me go through 15 15minute sessions across 15 Wednesdays to tell me how to do my job safer well I’m tripping over boxes every day
Article 37. And stop crying and work SAFELY (slower)


Well-Known Member
Don’t get mad always say I’m doing the best I can. Turn the belt off anytime you have over 70s and get help. Turn the belt off if you need to take pkgs up the belt if they are on the wrong side to get them were they need to be. If you get yelled at tell them you are doing the best you can. Don’t get mad.


Well-Known Member
So I’m looking for advice, iv been a part time preloader for 6 months started just before peek season mid October and I’m liking my coworkers we get along but today was a great example of how blind management is. As an 18year old I’ll freely admit I’m not the most stable person emotionally but iv shown up to work on time everyday except for a few days during peek pulling 8-9 hour shifts for 6 days a week iv never challenged my supervisor or management, well that changed today Saturday are a mixed bag usually on different area but what ever well I’m like the only person to never get loading platforms behind the trucks despite being on the heaviest belt in the building. So it’s about 10-20 minutes till drivers leave and I’m having a hard time getting everything loaded big boxes no platforms after a 9 piece shipment of 6ft 70+ Pound steel beams comes down into my loading area that I have to load pitching my fingers and hands multiple times I start to have a full blown mental brake down, (because I literally have to deal with stuff like this every single day endless numbers of packages all for one truck coming down all the same time with nowhere to put them)my belt sup is loading one my trucking getting thing fixed, and a female driver supervisor is on the belt trying to get people to finish up well she decides to tell me a openly crying “young man” (that’s been doing this job six months with no room to work everyday ) that it’s my job to stop loading my trucks and pass a 25 pound plastic tube up 4 cars. As I’m running to to the end of the belt to grab a 6x4x1ft box that came down the wrong side of the belt I tell her it’s not my gosh darn job to fix other peoples problems, she a driver supervisor proceeds to threaten my employment. For I quote ”cussing her out”. This is a person who has caught manipulating paystub’s for part-time employees when she was a part-time supervisor. Am I done here and just move on? Or should I bring this to my union steward, I honestly feel like it’s disingenuous to make me go through 15 15minute sessions across 15 Wednesdays to tell me how to do my job safer well I’m tripping over boxes every day
You're caring too much. Slow down and just do the job safely. This company doesn't care about you enough to get emotional about it.

The sooner you stop giving a :censored2: the sooner your life will be much better at work.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
So I’m looking for advice, iv been a part time preloader for 6 months started just before peek season mid October and I’m liking my coworkers we get along but today was a great example of how blind management is. As an 18year old I’ll freely admit I’m not the most stable person emotionally but iv shown up to work on time everyday except for a few days during peek pulling 8-9 hour shifts for 6 days a week iv never challenged my supervisor or management, well that changed today Saturday are a mixed bag usually on different area but what ever well I’m like the only person to never get loading platforms behind the trucks despite being on the heaviest belt in the building. So it’s about 10-20 minutes till drivers leave and I’m having a hard time getting everything loaded big boxes no platforms after a 9 piece shipment of 6ft 70+ Pound steel beams comes down into my loading area that I have to load pitching my fingers and hands multiple times I start to have a full blown mental brake down, (because I literally have to deal with stuff like this every single day endless numbers of packages all for one truck coming down all the same time with nowhere to put them)my belt sup is loading one my trucking getting thing fixed, and a female driver supervisor is on the belt trying to get people to finish up well she decides to tell me a openly crying “young man” (that’s been doing this job six months with no room to work everyday ) that it’s my job to stop loading my trucks and pass a 25 pound plastic tube up 4 cars. As I’m running to to the end of the belt to grab a 6x4x1ft box that came down the wrong side of the belt I tell her it’s not my gosh darn job to fix other peoples problems, she a driver supervisor proceeds to threaten my employment. For I quote ”cussing her out”. This is a person who has caught manipulating paystub’s for part-time employees when she was a part-time supervisor. Am I done here and just move on? Or should I bring this to my union steward, I honestly feel like it’s disingenuous to make me go through 15 15minute sessions across 15 Wednesdays to tell me how to do my job safer well I’m tripping over boxes every day
You know you can request help for anything over 70 right


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
So I’m looking for advice, iv been a part time preloader for 6 months started just before peek season mid October and I’m liking my coworkers we get along but today was a great example of how blind management is. As an 18year old I’ll freely admit I’m not the most stable person emotionally but iv shown up to work on time everyday except for a few days during peek pulling 8-9 hour shifts for 6 days a week iv never challenged my supervisor or management, well that changed today Saturday are a mixed bag usually on different area but what ever well I’m like the only person to never get loading platforms behind the trucks despite being on the heaviest belt in the building. So it’s about 10-20 minutes till drivers leave and I’m having a hard time getting everything loaded big boxes no platforms after a 9 piece shipment of 6ft 70+ Pound steel beams comes down into my loading area that I have to load pitching my fingers and hands multiple times I start to have a full blown mental brake down, (because I literally have to deal with stuff like this every single day endless numbers of packages all for one truck coming down all the same time with nowhere to put them)my belt sup is loading one my trucking getting thing fixed, and a female driver supervisor is on the belt trying to get people to finish up well she decides to tell me a openly crying “young man” (that’s been doing this job six months with no room to work everyday ) that it’s my job to stop loading my trucks and pass a 25 pound plastic tube up 4 cars. As I’m running to to the end of the belt to grab a 6x4x1ft box that came down the wrong side of the belt I tell her it’s not my gosh darn job to fix other peoples problems, she a driver supervisor proceeds to threaten my employment. For I quote ”cussing her out”. This is a person who has caught manipulating paystub’s for part-time employees when she was a part-time supervisor. Am I done here and just move on? Or should I bring this to my union steward, I honestly feel like it’s disingenuous to make me go through 15 15minute sessions across 15 Wednesdays to tell me how to do my job safer well I’m tripping over boxes every day
Second their not going to do anything, ups can't afford to lose people anymore and their 15 bucks and hour for preload and waiting a year for health benefits dont attract workers anymore, we have had at least 10 preloaders walk out in the past 3 weeks

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
You know you can request help for anything over 70 right
It’s called trying to give a damn about doing my job and the fact I was given no training and finaly loosing my :censored2: after 6 months of this bs

This is what preload looks like at my building

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
The belts from a work engineering standpoint are much less efficient than boxlines. They simply put belts in because the penny pinchers like the low price and are successful in getting kids like you to work harder with a belt.

If I were on a belt, the majority of packages would be missed and fly down the end, there was nothing to improve.

Me and 2 guys in tech could eliminate half of all preloaders in a year with new technology, 2 words. parcel boxes, fit right in the boxline and can be forklift loaded into the cars prior to preload start. right where shelf 2/8 would normally be.


I now walk into the wild
So I’m looking for advice
Well you’ve come to the best possible place the universe. Here’s mine:
pulling 8-9 hour shifts for 6 days a week
This is UPS’ definition of part time.
I’m like the only person to never get loading platforms behind the trucks
Make the sups get them for you. Make them get you water, tape, a new battery when your scanner disconnects, etc. Anything you need to do your job safely.
my belt sup is loading one my trucking getting thing fixed
File a grievance and make money when they do this. Article 3 section 7.
that it’s my job to stop loading my trucks and pass a 25 pound plastic tube up 4 cars.
Work as directed. As long as it’s not something unsafe, take em to the bank.
As I’m running to to the end of the belt
Definitely don’t do that.
supervisor proceeds to threaten my employment.
Happens all the time. Just lol and keep doing your job.
I’m tripping over boxes every day
It’s the employer’s responsibility to maintain egress. Cut the belt until it’s clear and watch the steam come out their ears.