Does your On Car Supervisor earn their pay?


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Don't know yet, mine just qualified as a driver 3 months ago started as OCS this week and is only 22. Hope things work out!
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You guys clearly have no clue.


Yes, I know I'm working late.
My current OR is pretty decent. Cant make any real decisions due to a jackass center manager. My last he was worthless. Small center in rural area. I swear he didnt work 15 hrs a week. Maybe 20 during peak.


Sometimes i feel like a nut sometimes i dont
My sup Ive had beers with in the past. He was a driver with us , then he took a managers position in another center, he's back for this peak in our center and has a different attitude only cause he wants to move up to buy that a new house . Its awkward im 57, he's 33 while trying to tell me to help someone instead of asking. Job justification just like the ones who implemented brain drain Orion.


Well-Known Member
I have three OCS depending on which route I cover depends on what one I have. One doesn't really give a rats ass if your doing your job. The other acts like he's the center manager sometimes and the third is new was a Casual in and other building he ok however he pissed me off the other day called me on my way home about me not signing some paper in my DIAD slot about Groups 2 I crinkled it up and through it in the garbage and the OMS night person told him. I told him I never leave my group 2 on the car and he agreed and then I told him if he had a problem we could talk about it tomorrow in the office with the shop steward after I said that he changed his tune end of conversation.