Dog Attacks...


Retired 23 years
Got bit by a dog one time that was being dog set by the neighbor. When I got back to the center that night I called the owners to have them send me a copy of it having rabies shots. They said it had also bit another delivery person and were thinking of getting rid of it. I told them to tie it up on a short leash out by the road and I would solve their problem. They didn't do it damit:mad:


Staff member
"Gee govols019, was it something you fed him?"

Don't friend with Govols..... I heard there was a customer who he had a disagreement with who also passed the following week!


Well-Known Member
I think its despicable that you guys are bragging about poisoning dogs and whatnot. I'm not here to say dogbites are overrated, but to go to these lengths to exact revenge on a DOG....just disgraceful.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I think its despicable that you guys are bragging about poisoning dogs and whatnot. I'm not here to say dogbites are overrated, but to go to these lengths to exact revenge on a DOG....just disgraceful.
I guess I am missing something, I saw not one post that said anything about poisoning a dog:crying:
Which would be wrong. Suing the owner makes so much more sense. It is the owners fault, not the animals.:biggrin:
Especially if they have a nice big house , and lots of insurance which in my case they had none, neither zip. I want to get bit next time by a rich persons dog, not a poor ones.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I think its despicable that you guys are bragging about poisoning dogs and whatnot. I'm not here to say dogbites are overrated, but to go to these lengths to exact revenge on a DOG....just disgraceful.

Griff, I am guessing that this is in reference to my post above. I was just trying to make a humorous comment to another members post. That is why a :blink: and "just kidding" was used at the end of the sentence. I was in no way stating that anybody poisoned a dog which attacked them. I like dogs and do not condone abusing them in any way.


golden ticket member gotta move to California so you can deliver to Paris Hilton and if all 5 or 6 of her dogs bite, you could collect 5 or 6 times the amount.

I hear Brittany's dogs are unsupervised and would probably bite also......but then again so are her children.

Want me to check and see if Streisand has a dog?:biggrin:........that'd be a goldmine.


Retired 23 years gotta move to California so you can deliver to Paris Hilton and if all 5 or 6 of her dogs bite, you could collect 5 or 6 times the amount.

I hear Brittany's dogs are unsupervised and would probably bite also......but then again so are her children.

Want me to check and see if Streisand has a dog?:biggrin:........that'd be a goldmine.
It's easy to give a swift kick to those little yappers like Paris and Brittany have. They "fly" real good but they aren't much on landing.:sneaky2:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member gotta move to California so you can deliver to Paris Hilton and if all 5 or 6 of her dogs bite, you could collect 5 or 6 times the amount.

I hear Brittany's dogs are unsupervised and would probably bite also......but then again so are her children.

Want me to check and see if Streisand has a dog?:biggrin:........that'd be a goldmine.
Oh PLease, make it worth my while, find out if the HOT HOLLYWOOD GUYS have mean dogs...
Actually I cant think of anyone at the moment.
OK hes old but I still think hes hot, Hes always been hot, Sam Elliot....see what kind of pups hes got.....:)


Agent of Change
It's easy to give a swift kick to those little yappers like Paris and Brittany have. They "fly" real good but they aren't much on landing.:sneaky2:

In the Midwest, those are called 'drop-kick dogs' lol. I was walking home from a late-night study session on my undergrad campus once when this little mongrel came running at me, yapping. He stopped two or three feet from the sidewalk but he was barking up a storm. There was a party going on and one of the guys on the porch called out, "Hey man, he's a drop-kick dog. It'll fly real nice!" I laughed. The owner--a girl--heard that and came out of the crowd. She yelled, "Don't dropkick him!" She smacked the guy that told me I should kick her dog. Little mongrel didn't like me. For the year I lived in that apartment, I had to walk past that dog roundtrip. And everytime, it would bark at me. Never tried to bite me, just barked like crazy. Annoying little mongrel....-Rocky


Well-Known Member
Until recently I would have disagreed with Over9Five here. My thinking was the homeowner made a mistake and if the dog didn't break skin I would let it slide.

I have since changed my opinion, because I now have a "dog problem" at a certain house on my route (or the driver next to mine's route?). Its become my problem because our dispatch sup. gives me this section from the driver next to me. That would be fine, but this same driver is getting a section of of my route??? (I know this is a different subject, but why give me a section of of his route and him a section off of my route? Wouldn't it just make sense to keep us in our own area???)

Anyway, I have a problem everytime I deliver to this residence (they get stuff everyday). This dog hates the sound of the truck and ran out in the street when I was headed back to the center one night ( I did not have this house a stop on my route at the time) . It was pitch black out and its a miracle that I did not run the dog over. For some reason, the seriousness of the situation did not register with the homeowners.

The house is about 1/16th of a mile from the road. I beep the horn at least 5 times when I pull up. I get out of the truck and proceed to the house. The dog is chained and barking like crazy every time. Problem is, the dog can get me if I want to leave the package at the door. This ignorant family doesn't have the courtesy to even come out and get the package from me, and this is why I don't like them. They say "he's harmless" but the dog weighs about as much as I do and would trear me apart.

They get "shipper release" Gevalia coffee all the time and I throw it in their driveway without hesitation. You would think they would have an inkling of what its like to walk in my shoes up to their property. Apparently they are ingnorant to the fact!

The DIAD is a wonderful anti-dog weapon. I have used it to combat several dogs. Swing it as hard as you can (think home run), at their head. Success is when you literally send them rolling across the ground. Have no mercy, you do not want to get hurt because some stupid dog owner won't control their mutt.

If I ever get bit, I would do exactly as Rod said. Police report, make sure it had its shots, AND ESPECIALLY SUE THEM! They deserve it for allowing their vicious animal to attack you. What if it had been a small child instead?

I have no sympathy for stupid dog owners either.

Dirty Savage

Paranoid Android
any of you people ever have any problems with exotic or wild animals?:w00t:

A co-worker of mine was doing a residential stop one summer's day. As she was walking up to the door she noticed a squirrel on the front porch. The homeowners had put some peanuts out on the porch for the squirrel to eat. So my co-worker decides it would be fun to try and feed the squirrel a peanut by hand. She said that it seemed really tame as it made no attempt at escape upon her approach. So she crouches down and picks up a peanut and all of a sudden the squirrel ATTACKS!!!! Tries to bite her and goes totally out of control. Made for a funny story at lunch.

Even better was that, later on in the day we received this message via the diad: SAFTEY TIP FOR THE DAY: NEVER TOUCH A SQUIRREL'S NUTS!

True story.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
brownie hound

I have since changed my opinion, because I now have a "dog problem" at a certain house on my route (or the driver next to mine's route?). Its become my problem because our dispatch sup. gives me this section from the driver next to me. That would be fine, but this same driver is getting a section of of my route??? (I know this is a different subject, but why give me a section of of his route and him a section off of my route? Wouldn't it just make sense to keep us in our own area???)

If we did a move as stupid as this, we would be idiots. But its OK, since they run the business. Yeah that will work. I have the same dilemna, but not a soul will listen. Its like if a tree falls in the woods would anyone hear it. No because they are not listening, hey its almost peak yahoos!!! Listen!!!!!!