don't eat the BBQ!

Mr. 7

The monkey on the left.
Now would be a good time to learn how to post a hyper link. Don't know what that is? Google it.


Well-Known Member
Worked fine on the iPhone app. Cut and paste is 4 clicks... Google it if you don't know how. Name's not Steve btw.


Well-Known Member
I hear it was actually a Kool-Aid overdose. Snorting and/or "mainlining" Kool-Aid can create toxic health effects. Or maybe management got a deal on some spoiled meat so they could look good on the budget.
I would not put it past management at all.


Well-Known Member
What name do you want to go by? STFXG?

STFXG or Steve. Don't matter to me. Just pointing out its not my name. Answered what I think you were asking.

Anyways sucks for those poor guys if it was provided by fedex. The exact reason I never chance food prepped in a warehouse...