Driverless cars a threat to your job?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Maybe in 10-15 years

  • Carol has my back; We are family

  • The Union will fail us

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Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
One bad accident and politicians will be tripping over each other to ban driverless.
You're kidding yourself. They're pushing for this kind of stuff so hard that anything that would negatively impact perception would be memory-holed.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
School bus full of children hit by robot driver. The law gets a name.
The same government would burn down a building full of children and cover it up if it was just part of the process of serving their best interest.


Well-Known Member
The same government would burn down a building full of children and cover it up if it was just part of the process of serving their best interest.
States are already giving companies and corporations, limited liability for these types of accidents. A whole minivan full of family members is only worth a couple hundred thousand dollars. Your life is a speed bump to these corporations, they have no problem buying off many politicians.


Well-Known Member
Did yall say driverless?


Well-Known Member
Yeah on my rural route with mile long, overgrown, goat path driveways, sure

I've seen too many drivers get stuck on a goat path to see this as a win. Although, it may be funny to read about all the robots that drive into the ocean.


Well-Known Member
I find it hilarious that the Eggheads told us that Labor will be first to be replaced by robots....

...and it turned out to be the Artists and Novelists.