Elizabeth Warren

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
She's a Washington Redskin.



Well-Known Member
That would be true whether she was really a Native Indian or not.
Not really. She wouldn't have gotten in over a more qualified white if she said she was white. But for the sake of diversity many less qualified minorities bump whites out. Not saying there aren't more qualified minorities, plenty of brilliant ones. But plenty are given the chance on more than just their academic achievements.


Inordinately Right
Yeah, we get it, you're obsessed with Trump. But why are you defending her actions by pointing to his? Why it's almost as if someone defended Trump by pointing out the much greater sins of Hillary. Odd, huh?
Ttku texican.
I said, I wonder how that would play out in an election.

I guess I got my answer when the trumpflakes started the denial game. I'm not making excuses for her, I'm excited for the game that's coming up.


Man of Great Wisdom
Not really. She wouldn't have gotten in over a more qualified white if she said she was white. But for the sake of diversity many less qualified minorities bump whites out. Not saying there aren't more qualified minorities, plenty of brilliant ones. But plenty are given the chance on more than just their academic achievements.
There's a reason there are laws like this.