Embassy Attacks


golden ticket member
I didn't even pay attention to politics much until Obama. I was too busy with family and the problems that come with family.

I started to pay attention when I saw things I didn't like or agree with. I liked 'W' and I thought Laura was a fine first lady, not like the tranny (for u Joan) that's in there now.


golden ticket member
I didn't even pay attention to politics much until Obama. I was too busy with family and the problems that come with family.

I started to pay attention when I saw things I didn't like or agree with. I liked 'W' and I thought Laura was a fine first lady, not like the tranny (for u Joan) that's in there now.

Oh, and the stench you smell from 9-11 is the almost 3000 bodies.....people who just went to work that day.......or maybe it's the camel-breath left behind by the hijackers.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Oh, and the stench you smell from 9-11 is the almost 3000 bodies.....people who just went to work that day.......or maybe it's the camel-breath left behind by the hijackers.
9/11 terrorists were almost all Saudi, lead by a Saudi who's family were friends and business associates of a certain US President from Texas. They even got their flight training in Florida where the governor was........And a Saudi prince owns about 25% of Fox News, that lies constantly - does any of this seem normal?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Benghazi is still being talked about because 4 guys are still dead and their families deserve answers.
To the Republicans and Morelock, fine you go ahead and do your BS investigations. While your at it,I want an investigation on the 13 embassy attacks that left 22 of my countrymen dead during the last administration. While your at it I also want a full investigation on the lies told by the same administration that left 4486 of my brothers and sisters in arms dead in Iraq and the wounding of ten of thousands more. Hell why we are at it I want another investigation on why Bush made no attempt to stop Bin Laden when warned that left almost 3000 of our countrymen dead hear at home. You want to play ball then lets really play ball. I'm sick of all your BS false outrage over the death of 4 Americans while you remain silent of the unnecessary deaths of almost ten thousand Americans during the last administration.C.mon Morelock,oldie.WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE!!!!!


golden ticket member
Did help not come in those situations?
War is hell and involves deaths on both sides.

Outrage comes with events like Foley beheading and the like.

Go play ball with yourself !


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
As usual morelock--- the only consistent thing about Morelock is that she's all over the place all of the time. Pretty soon you will say Daniel Pearls beheading was Prez Obama's fault....Anyone who can complain about the this President after the Cheney/Bush administration is deaf, dumb and blind.The collective memory of Republicans is less than the first Macintosh computers.....

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
To the Republicans and Morelock, fine you go ahead and do your BS investigations. While your at it,I want an investigation on the 13 embassy attacks that left 22 of my countrymen dead during the last administration. While your at it I also want a full investigation on the lies told by the same administration that left 4486 of my brothers and sisters in arms dead in Iraq and the wounding of ten of thousands more. Hell why we are at it I want another investigation on why Bush made no attempt to stop Bin Laden when warned that left almost 3000 of our countrymen dead hear at home. You want to play ball then lets really play ball. I'm sick of all your BS false outrage over the death of 4 Americans while you remain silent of the unnecessary deaths of almost ten thousand Americans during the last administration.C.mon Morelock,oldie.WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE!!!!!

Outrage is selective, depending on the day, it ends up being whatever Angela Tanteros is upset about for the day, ends up posted on this board as her anger.




Strength through joy
Conservatives are simply the most trite,empty,void,and hollow people on the planet. They are conservative because they can't create new ideas, it's why we're still talking about Benghazi, and people are still calling Obama Kenyan. Their intellect is so stymied,embittered they have to "conserve" the hand full of talking points that represent their worldview.
Of course some people are still calling bhos Kenyan , his alleged father was a British citizen of Kenya . Thus he is allegedly half Kenyan .


golden ticket member
As usual morelock--- the only consistent thing about Morelock is that she's all over the place all of the time. Pretty soon you will say Daniel Pearls beheading was Prez Obama's fault....Anyone who can complain about the this President after the Cheney/Bush administration is deaf, dumb and blind.The collective memory of Republicans is less than the first Macintosh computers.....
The level of the bar is lowered with the likes of Obama and you praise the lowered bar as great.....backward!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
you only wish the scandal would go away

The scandal has gone away, only you and the other fox faithful are talking about it.

venture out on the street and see who else is talking about it other than other over 65 year old white guys watching girls in short skirts with the same bottle blond haircuts with a part on the side, shoulder length.

Its easy to see who watches what by what they say.

Your knowledge of bengazi is about as deep as a puddle.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I wonder what you'll be doing when you're 65......riding a Harley with training wheels ??

I wont be watching fox news. I am not desperate enough to watch idiots with short shirts teasing an audience with a crotch shot just to keep them watching.

By the way speaking of leg shots, Gretchen Carlson legs look hideous. Her skirts are getting longer and the camera isnt focusing on them any longer.

HD television isnt nice to the women on fox, or bill orielly for that matter.

IN clear HD, bill orielly has enough makeup on to parade around like a drag queen in hollywood.

The faithful must still be watching on analog tvs, so they probably dont know what i am talking about.



golden ticket member
I wont be watching fox news. I am not desperate enough to watch idiots with short shirts teasing an audience with a crotch shot just to keep them watching.

By the way speaking of leg shots, Gretchen Carlson legs look hideous. Her skirts are getting longer and the camera isnt focusing on them any longer.

HD television isnt nice to the women on fox, or bill orielly for that matter.

IN clear HD, bill orielly has enough makeup on to parade around like a drag queen in hollywood.

The faithful must still be watching on analog tvs, so they probably dont know what i am talking about.

You seem to have extensive knowledge on all the Fox on-screen personalities....watch much ???