Feeder Coverboard rules


New Member
I'm in feeders in the Deep South. At last bid time our vacation cover board drivers were allowed to bid on call for the week and pass runs that were offered to us and then be called back first if new runs developed. Now if you pass you go to the bottom of the board for the day. We don't have enough CPU runs to have a call block like some hubs. How do other UPS hubs run their cover boards


Box Monkey
We snake. We have like 50+ on the call board. I'm number 6. So if I pass they go 5 -> 50 and then force from the bottom up 50 -> 1. If you don't want to work when they go to force you then you have to burn a sick day.


Well-Known Member
All our runs are bid. Vacation cover 1 is asked what vacation run he wants to cover on Thursday and the other one goes to vacation cover 2. Only two guys off per week.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


New Member
The problem with this system is if on Tues I'm not available till say 9am and there are 3 or 4 good runs starting at 930. The next driver is available at 12am and they can't offer him anything after 9 without calling me first. UPS dispatchers are supposed to call me no more than 2 hours before my first run offered to me so how do they offer the other 2 or 3 runs to the number 2 man