Female employees getting treated like royalty


New Member
At my warehouse the female employees don’t get sexually harassed, it’s more of them being praised and treated like royalty and getting away with stuff that the male employees would never get away with.

I’m glad they don’t get sexually harassed, but I’m getting increasingly irritated of the special treatment they receive. I work in pre-load and only three females work in pre-load, 2 of them work on my penn. Whenever we are short staffed, who gets the extra trucks to load? Not the girls. The male loaders get stuck loading 5 or 6 trucks each and the females get their normal 4 trucks. How is that fair? Also if our penn wraps up their trucks early, who gets to go home? The females. Who gets to go help other penns finish loading? The males. Every. Single. Time. Recently, what pushed me very close to the edge of a tantrum similar to that of a 1st grader, was this: I have been loading my normal 4 trucks for 16 of the 18 months that I have worked here. Last week, my supervisor approached me and told me I’m getting a new drop and when I asked why he told me “we’re just moving people around a bit”. Dehhh, thanks for the detailed answer? Lol I just grabbed my stuff and moved to where I was told; on break I went and asked the girl who took over my trucks why they moved us (we swapped spots with each other while no one else in our penn had to move or switch at all). She told me that there was too much bulk for her so she asked to switch. The following day at our weekly PCM she got recognized for her “excellent work ethic and always being on time blah blah blah”

UGH, it’s irritating me even thinking about it as I type. Why aren’t we all being treated as equals? Is this something I bring to managements attention or the Union? It’s honestly getting to the point that I am beginning to feel discriminated against because of my gender.

Advice or suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

Rack em

Made the Podium
Nothing you can do really. Just show up, do your work, collect a paycheck, and go home. Don't let this type of stuff get to you because it's always going to happen.


Retired 23 years
Everyone will deny it but they ARE treated different by both management and customers. Always have been and always will be.


Well-Known Member
At my warehouse the female employees don’t get sexually harassed, it’s more of them being praised and treated like royalty and getting away with stuff that the male employees would never get away with.

I’m glad they don’t get sexually harassed, but I’m getting increasingly irritated of the special treatment they receive. I work in pre-load and only three females work in pre-load, 2 of them work on my penn. Whenever we are short staffed, who gets the extra trucks to load? Not the girls. The male loaders get stuck loading 5 or 6 trucks each and the females get their normal 4 trucks. How is that fair? Also if our penn wraps up their trucks early, who gets to go home? The females. Who gets to go help other penns finish loading? The males. Every. Single. Time. Recently, what pushed me very close to the edge of a tantrum similar to that of a 1st grader, was this: I have been loading my normal 4 trucks for 16 of the 18 months that I have worked here. Last week, my supervisor approached me and told me I’m getting a new drop and when I asked why he told me “we’re just moving people around a bit”. Dehhh, thanks for the detailed answer? Lol I just grabbed my stuff and moved to where I was told; on break I went and asked the girl who took over my trucks why they moved us (we swapped spots with each other while no one else in our penn had to move or switch at all). She told me that there was too much bulk for her so she asked to switch. The following day at our weekly PCM she got recognized for her “excellent work ethic and always being on time blah blah blah”

UGH, it’s irritating me even thinking about it as I type. Why aren’t we all being treated as equals? Is this something I bring to managements attention or the Union? It’s honestly getting to the point that I am beginning to feel discriminated against because of my gender.

Advice or suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

Welp , hate to break it to ya , but welcome to the world that the " millennials" have created . And while most of us sympathize with your frustrations this is exactly the double edged sword that the millennials created . I'm all for folks being treated equally, but let's be honest here , there is some jobs that are way more fitting for women to perform , just like there is some jobs that are way more fitting/designed for men to do but because of political correctness we now have to penalize companies for not giving a job to a woman that might require her to move/deliver/carry/transport 149lb packages to our customers.


Never bought my own handtruck
Welp , hate to break it to ya , but welcome to the world that the " millennials" have created . And while most of us sympathize with your frustrations this is exactly the double edged sword that the millennials created . I'm all for folks being treated equally, but let's be honest here , there is some jobs that are way more fitting for women to perform , just like there is some jobs that are way more fitting/designed for men to do but because of political correctness we now have to penalize companies for not giving a job to a woman that might require her to move/deliver/carry/transport 149lb packages to our customers.

Ummmm, the PC movement was long before the millennial generation. Just an FYI.


Hot girl summer
At my warehouse the female employees don’t get sexually harassed, it’s more of them being praised and treated like royalty and getting away with stuff that the male employees would never get away with.

I’m glad they don’t get sexually harassed, but I’m getting increasingly irritated of the special treatment they receive. I work in pre-load and only three females work in pre-load, 2 of them work on my penn. Whenever we are short staffed, who gets the extra trucks to load? Not the girls. The male loaders get stuck loading 5 or 6 trucks each and the females get their normal 4 trucks. How is that fair? Also if our penn wraps up their trucks early, who gets to go home? The females. Who gets to go help other penns finish loading? The males. Every. Single. Time. Recently, what pushed me very close to the edge of a tantrum similar to that of a 1st grader, was this: I have been loading my normal 4 trucks for 16 of the 18 months that I have worked here. Last week, my supervisor approached me and told me I’m getting a new drop and when I asked why he told me “we’re just moving people around a bit”. Dehhh, thanks for the detailed answer? Lol I just grabbed my stuff and moved to where I was told; on break I went and asked the girl who took over my trucks why they moved us (we swapped spots with each other while no one else in our penn had to move or switch at all). She told me that there was too much bulk for her so she asked to switch. The following day at our weekly PCM she got recognized for her “excellent work ethic and always being on time blah blah blah”

UGH, it’s irritating me even thinking about it as I type. Why aren’t we all being treated as equals? Is this something I bring to managements attention or the Union? It’s honestly getting to the point that I am beginning to feel discriminated against because of my gender.

Advice or suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

It's not our fault men fall for smiles and batting eye lashes. I personally never had special treatment. Never wanted it. But when I was a hourly long long long time ago, the female coworkers would smile their way into easy work. Was it annoying? No. I just minded my own business. I'm pretty sure if I batted my eye lashes and smiled at my supervisors, I would get special treatment too. But, it's not my thing to breeze through promotions. Females are very spiteful, manipulating and back stabber. It's sad this is coming from a female. Just mind your business. Do as instructed.


It's not our fault men fall for smiles and batting eye lashes. I personally never had special treatment. Never wanted it. But when I was a hourly long long long time ago, the female coworkers would smile their way into easy work. Was it annoying? No. I just minded my own business. I'm pretty sure if I batted my eye lashes and smiled at my supervisors, I would get special treatment too. But, it's not my thing to breeze through promotions. Females are very spiteful, manipulating and back stabber. It's sad this is coming from a female. Just mind your business. Do as instructed.



Allergic to cardboard.
At my warehouse the female employees don’t get sexually harassed, it’s more of them being praised and treated like royalty and getting away with stuff that the male employees would never get away with.

I’m glad they don’t get sexually harassed, but I’m getting increasingly irritated of the special treatment they receive. I work in pre-load and only three females work in pre-load, 2 of them work on my penn. Whenever we are short staffed, who gets the extra trucks to load? Not the girls. The male loaders get stuck loading 5 or 6 trucks each and the females get their normal 4 trucks. How is that fair? Also if our penn wraps up their trucks early, who gets to go home? The females. Who gets to go help other penns finish loading? The males. Every. Single. Time. Recently, what pushed me very close to the edge of a tantrum similar to that of a 1st grader, was this: I have been loading my normal 4 trucks for 16 of the 18 months that I have worked here. Last week, my supervisor approached me and told me I’m getting a new drop and when I asked why he told me “we’re just moving people around a bit”. Dehhh, thanks for the detailed answer? Lol I just grabbed my stuff and moved to where I was told; on break I went and asked the girl who took over my trucks why they moved us (we swapped spots with each other while no one else in our penn had to move or switch at all). She told me that there was too much bulk for her so she asked to switch. The following day at our weekly PCM she got recognized for her “excellent work ethic and always being on time blah blah blah”

UGH, it’s irritating me even thinking about it as I type. Why aren’t we all being treated as equals? Is this something I bring to managements attention or the Union? It’s honestly getting to the point that I am beginning to feel discriminated against because of my gender.

Advice or suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
Have you tried batting your eyelashes and flirting? Maybe it’ll get you an easier pull too.


Well-Known Member
At my warehouse the female employees don’t get sexually harassed, it’s more of them being praised and treated like royalty and getting away with stuff that the male employees would never get away with.

I’m glad they don’t get sexually harassed, but I’m getting increasingly irritated of the special treatment they receive. I work in pre-load and only three females work in pre-load, 2 of them work on my penn. Whenever we are short staffed, who gets the extra trucks to load? Not the girls. The male loaders get stuck loading 5 or 6 trucks each and the females get their normal 4 trucks. How is that fair? Also if our penn wraps up their trucks early, who gets to go home? The females. Who gets to go help other penns finish loading? The males. Every. Single. Time. Recently, what pushed me very close to the edge of a tantrum similar to that of a 1st grader, was this: I have been loading my normal 4 trucks for 16 of the 18 months that I have worked here. Last week, my supervisor approached me and told me I’m getting a new drop and when I asked why he told me “we’re just moving people around a bit”. Dehhh, thanks for the detailed answer? Lol I just grabbed my stuff and moved to where I was told; on break I went and asked the girl who took over my trucks why they moved us (we swapped spots with each other while no one else in our penn had to move or switch at all). She told me that there was too much bulk for her so she asked to switch. The following day at our weekly PCM she got recognized for her “excellent work ethic and always being on time blah blah blah”

UGH, it’s irritating me even thinking about it as I type. Why aren’t we all being treated as equals? Is this something I bring to managements attention or the Union? It’s honestly getting to the point that I am beginning to feel discriminated against because of my gender.

Advice or suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
Learn the skill of not comparing yourself with others. Otherwise you'll never be happy.


Well-Known Member
It's not our fault men fall for smiles and batting eye lashes. I personally never had special treatment. Never wanted it. But when I was a hourly long long long time ago, the female coworkers would smile their way into easy work. Was it annoying? No. I just minded my own business. I'm pretty sure if I batted my eye lashes and smiled at my supervisors, I would get special treatment too. But, it's not my thing to breeze through promotions. Females are very spiteful, manipulating and back stabber. It's sad this is coming from a female. Just mind your business. Do as instructed.
If all you have is eye lashes and smiles, the rest can’t be all that desirable to look at.


Well-Known Member
Lot of weak men out there that will fall all over themselves to do a woman’s work in exchange for a little flirting. It’s pathetic.

I’ve been married fifteen years, they can shove their flirting nonsense up their ass. You’ll get no special treatment from me.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Welp , hate to break it to ya , but welcome to the world that the " millennials" have created . And while most of us sympathize with your frustrations this is exactly the double edged sword that the millennials created . I'm all for folks being treated equally, but let's be honest here , there is some jobs that are way more fitting for women to perform , just like there is some jobs that are way more fitting/designed for men to do but because of political correctness we now have to penalize companies for not giving a job to a woman that might require her to move/deliver/carry/transport 149lb packages to our customers.
No ups worker is required to lift 149 lbs packages. Try again
At my warehouse the female employees don’t get sexually harassed, it’s more of them being praised and treated like royalty and getting away with stuff that the male employees would never get away with.

I’m glad they don’t get sexually harassed, but I’m getting increasingly irritated of the special treatment they receive. I work in pre-load and only three females work in pre-load, 2 of them work on my penn. Whenever we are short staffed, who gets the extra trucks to load? Not the girls. The male loaders get stuck loading 5 or 6 trucks each and the females get their normal 4 trucks. How is that fair? Also if our penn wraps up their trucks early, who gets to go home? The females. Who gets to go help other penns finish loading? The males. Every. Single. Time. Recently, what pushed me very close to the edge of a tantrum similar to that of a 1st grader, was this: I have been loading my normal 4 trucks for 16 of the 18 months that I have worked here. Last week, my supervisor approached me and told me I’m getting a new drop and when I asked why he told me “we’re just moving people around a bit”. Dehhh, thanks for the detailed answer? Lol I just grabbed my stuff and moved to where I was told; on break I went and asked the girl who took over my trucks why they moved us (we swapped spots with each other while no one else in our penn had to move or switch at all). She told me that there was too much bulk for her so she asked to switch. The following day at our weekly PCM she got recognized for her “excellent work ethic and always being on time blah blah blah”

UGH, it’s irritating me even thinking about it as I type. Why aren’t we all being treated as equals? Is this something I bring to managements attention or the Union? It’s honestly getting to the point that I am beginning to feel discriminated against because of my gender.

Advice or suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
Your username explains a lot.


Well-Known Member
My female sup got caught sleeping in one of the trucks 2 peaks ago by the center manager and she is currently being trained to go full time.


Could you describe the ruckus, sir?
In my experience at UPS, regardless of gender, sups will take the path of least resistance when it comes to employees. A lazy employee will be left alone because it takes time to analyze and rectify their daily performance. A hard working employee will be made to pick up the slack because it's a quick fix. Slow down just enough to the point that you are not jeopardizing your job.