Fishing on Lunch


Well-Known Member
Would this policy extend to a nearly brand new patio set that one of my customers had put out by the street that I then put in to the back of the pkg car and dropped off at my house later that day?

I guess that's your attempt at being funny. A bit dry and late, but, you know, whatever.


Well-Known Member
No where is it written. It's not you have vague references to someone being discharged for buying or transporting personal property in UPS property. I call BS

The policy is as old as UPS. You can not use UPS vehicles to ship person items without paying for it. This policy is posted in every building.


Well-Known Member
No, this actually happened.

The patio set is sitting right on my deck.
Well, good for you. Does that mean my interpretation is wrong because you did that and got away with it. Hell, I can break into as many homes as I can get aways and steal everything in sight and as long as am not caught was it really a crime? Heck, did a crime actually occur because no one knows or cared?


They won't give a crap, until they do. Then you'll find out just how broadly defined this policy in enforced.
Why do they have property passes then?
And have on them gift, purchase or personal property?


Well-Known Member
Good. I didn't want to get fired bringing home bananas and a loaf of bread home

Just trying to feed my family.

I feed my family from the wages I earn and shop on my time using my vehicle. That way I'll never see the outside of the gate looking in to a career I once had. Losing a 100k a year job for a bunch of bananas. Yea, I guess I'm just off the rails on this one.


Have I said whatever already?

I don't know-----I wasn't paying attention to you.


I feed my family from the wages I earn and shop on my time using my vehicle. That way I'll never see the outside of the gate looking in to a career I once had. Losing a 100k a year job for a bunch of bananas. Yea, I guess I'm just off the rails on this one.
Glad to see you admit it