Forced 1 hr lunch


Big Kahuna Burger
Hell yeah brother. I think up to a 2 hour lunch would be reasonable. As long as it wouldnt affect service commits.
Who cares. Its not like were gonna see our kids anyways. Might as well have some time during the day to do stuff.
Honestly, yes. But i wouldn't be sitting.
Beatin the ol meat stick?


Well-Known Member
I believe they do it because drivers are used to that peak money and slow down through the day because of that the company starts forcing a lunch that makes them tighten it up because they want to get off at the same time as usual and not an hour or 30 min later.
They aren't thinking that deeply. They just hope you organize your truck during the time you aren't being paid. Also keeps more guys on duty longer so they can cover last minute fires
Why doesn't package car get 2 paid breaks?

We get alot more than that.....
I know many will disagree with me, but by supporting forced breaks you are essentially prioritizing work over personal life.

Breaks are not truly personal time at all. You are still on the job.

20 minutes is one thing, but an hour means getting to your personal life another 40 minutes later.
If that's how it worked, I would be all in on that. However, instead of getting on with your life, the company tends to see that you have another hour available to dispatch. Then you hustle through that, and they see another 25 minutes they can give you. Now you're working a 9.3 day on a 10.6 dispatch because you don't take a lunch. Then another eight or ten drivers do the same thing, and they don't need another driver. Now 100+ drivers do this and that's ten jobs.

We have a couple guys I hear bitch almost every day because they get work they think isn't theirs.

"Why am I going over there?!!"

Because, Tom, you're a runner.

"If I get my route done, I should be able to go home!"

I agree, Tom, but UPS doesn't.
And in CA we get a extra 10 min paid break after 10 hours.