Forced 20 Minute Break


Well-Known Member
The manager running Saturday ops got really angry when I told him the labor law stuff. "We're not breaking the law. We do things as efficiently as we can and you don't have to work here if you don't want to."

So much for the direct approach.


Well-Known Member
The manager running Saturday ops got really angry when I told him the labor law stuff. "We're not breaking the law. We do things as efficiently as we can and you don't have to work here if you don't want to."

So much for the direct approach.

So much for waiting until after Peak to have a non-confrontational sit down.


Well-Known Member
The manager running Saturday ops got really angry when I told him the labor law stuff. "We're not breaking the law. We do things as efficiently as we can and you don't have to work here if you don't want to."

So much for the direct approach.
I honestly wouldn't have bothered trying to bring this up to management. They will have numerous denials, excuses and flat out lies all ready to go before you even walk in the room. That's where most Fedex management seems truly gifted. You should have just kept ignoring the unwanted breaks and just kept on doing what you were doing. Now I feel you will just have a target on your back and management has all sorts of ways to make your life a living hell.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping it won't come to that, especially now that volume is picking up (or is expected to). If this particular manager, who isn't my manager, is a jerk and spreads it to the three other managers, life may get interesting. My own manager is definitely a company man, but I feel he may be human enough not to bust my *** other than tell me the breaks aren't optional.

But still, I should probably be keeping careful notes about any discussions I have on this. Maybe even record them on my phone.


Huge Member
You should have just kept ignoring the unwanted breaks and just kept on doing what you were doing.

A little late here, but this is what I would have done. Same goes for late starts due to freight delays and encouraging couriers to take their breaks while we wait on freight in the station. Just keep your head down and continue doing the job and let them get hassled from upper mgmt if need be. Not your problem and it isn't a company policy to take required 20 minute breaks for productivity reasons. It's solely for your manager's workgroup to look good on paper and nothing else. Laaaaaaaame.


Well-Known Member
Hassled by upper mgt about what? All the lates that stem from 20 minute breaks?

If this mgr keeps his trap shut I should be fine. Less than guaranteed.


Huge Member
The hassling in my market has come from above to increase our stops/hour by 3% during the lull in business. This led to regular routes taking more freight and canceling mid day routes to save our on road hours.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping it won't come to that, especially now that volume is picking up (or is expected to). If this particular manager, who isn't my manager, is a jerk and spreads it to the three other managers, life may get interesting. My own manager is definitely a company man, but I feel he may be human enough not to bust my *** other than tell me the breaks aren't optional.

But still, I should probably be keeping careful notes about any discussions I have on this. Maybe even record them on my phone.
Be careful with the recording. They can definitely use that against you since, we aren't allowed to use recording devices on company property.

If you're going to do that, keep it private and don't let management know you're doing it. Basicallt, all it would be good for is if you plan on getting a lawyer involved. If you bring stuff like that to hr, you're going to cause trouble for yourself.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Hassled by upper mgt about what? All the lates that stem from 20 minute breaks?

If this mgr keeps his trap shut I should be fine. Less than guaranteed.
Why are you worrying about lates from taking a 20 min break? Your job is to do the job, nothing else. If you take a 20 min break and have lates, that's MANAGEMENT'S problem to worry about. Work as directed. Let THEM, in all their infinite wisdom, figure out how it's going to happen.


Well-Known Member
You shouldve just kept your head down honestly. You can basically get away with whatever if you just keep to yourself

I agree. As long as a majority of your other co-workers take the 20 minute breaks, manager probably wouldn't even bother you. They're just looking for a majority to fool, so they look better on a report. This company is now completely management by report.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know. Somehow though, I don't think anything's going to happen to me. And yes, I wouldn't lose sleep over lates due to breaks. But I do care about my customers and really don't want them to suffer from mgt's stupidity.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know. Somehow though, I don't think anything's going to happen to me. And yes, I wouldn't lose sleep over lates due to breaks. But I do care about my customers and really don't want them to suffer from mgt's stupidity.
That's what most of the terminated people said before they got fired. You might win the battle but you will usually always lose the war. Have seen them go back to an application and study it hard to make sure you didn't falsify on it, even years later. Trying to play workplace lawyer will always put you in their cross hairs and will usually lead to less than desirable results for the hourly. Recording conversations without their knowledge will get you shown the door for sure.

Sounds like you have a great plan.


Mass, search the fedex section here for "WAD"

I'm not afraid to disagree with my boss on stuff, depending on what it is. If you want to casually make it look like you want to fix this with your specific manager, you might bring it up in passing in question, "hey, when would you like me to take my 20 minute break?" or something showing you care. I'd either let it go or cooperate with your manager. It's also interesting to me how managers tag-team and beat up on each others people. It's weird.

and as far as remaining anonymous... you're probably the only person fighting this and it might be blatantly obvious who you I'd tread softly with what you glean on WAD. Interesting stuff tho.

Another interesting thought, I've seen/heard of one guy in my station that just absolutely flips his lid, threatening to quit and getting his way. He's a very "speak his mind and don't care" kind of guy. It's just how they take advantage of people who truly care about taking care of customers but let the crazies get away with stuff. Or people that wear knee pads. They'll prod and poke and take advantage of anyone to try to make themselves look better on paper. ridiculous.