Getting out of hand.


Binge Poster
No need for that.

Talk with your Steward or call your BA.

If you go to the company, your fellow Teamster might suffer discipline.

And, you will be forever be known as a RAT.

UPS is expected (and assumed) to conduct their business professionally.

When they don't.... there is the grievance procedure.
I agree 100%.

Situations that involve direct poor behavior of Teamster Brothers always are very difficult sensitive to handle.

It is managements job to discipline the workforce period.

My personal position is, I couldn’t care less about this issue but I understand and respect how it may be very troublesome to some.

I personally have never done it, while on the clock for UPS, I have always used the proper restroom facilities.


Binge Poster
Kept a large coffee cup in the Brownie filled then poured on a grass area or drain on street , my preloader got so tired of finding them in the car next to me , one day he opened it and poured on drivers seat and then left the empty bottle on his dash ,,ended that problem
I would not recommend preloaders do this but I guess it worked.


Binge Poster
No need for that. Demand that the center manager fix the problem. Very quickly they can find out who is using any particular truck on any given day. Call the town board if health if you have to. One thing UPS hates doing is answering to outside concerns.
If this is very troublesome to you then I would first try to resolve the issue within the Union.

My position is and always has been it is managements job to oversee and discipline the work force, not mine and if I or anyone else has a problem with direct conduct of a Union member it is my right and my duty to try to resolve the issue within my Local first.


Binge Poster
As should be expected. Part time supervisors have all the time they need to restroom while not touching boxes.
While I do have intimate knowledge of what Part-time Supervisors go through at UPS, it has no current relevance or bearing as to the time available for me to use of restrooms while under the employ of UPS.


Knowledge is key, Experience is power.
Just throw any leftover piss bottles in the yard so people run them over or put them in front of the division managers office and that will almost guarantee that something might possibly happen or something.


Well-Known Member
Send them to a lab for DNA analysis then have every employee submit to a mouth swab for comparison to the DNA found in the piss bottles. If there’s a match... Warning letter!

For real though, that is disgusting. Have the decency to dump the piss out and throw the bottle away.


Binge Poster
Just throw any leftover piss bottles in the yard so people run them over or put them in front of the division managers office and that will almost guarantee that something might possibly happen or something.
I wouldn’t recommend these solutions but if this is what you do or did, I am curious how it worked.


Binge Poster
Send them to a lab for DNA analysis then have every employee submit to a mouth swab for comparison to the DNA found in the piss bottles. If there’s a match... Warning letter!
I don’t think this is a practical method for addressing this issue.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
While I do have intimate knowledge of what Part-time Supervisors go through at UPS, it has no current relevance or bearing as to the time available for me to use of restrooms while under the employ of UPS.
Thank you for following the Contract. 🙂


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Was this meeting a Hearing?

What was the outcome?
Pcm meeting. Basically cut it out or action will follow.

Anybody could make the occasional error but these guys doing this just don't care. They are the same ones leaving trash, chaw spit, cigarette butts, etc, and not fueling up at night.


Well-Known Member
I don’t think this is a practical method for addressing this issue.
Definitely not. There’s really not much you can do unless you witness them discarding their bottles of urine. Or perhaps we should start collecting the piss bottles to discard at crime scenes.