Gibson Guitar raids! Oh no, dont blame OBAMA!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
All I read was Cuba, one was talking Cuba......'cept you of course.
Your bald eagle example doesn't take into account jobs taken away from Americans and given to Indians.
It's all about know, those things that Obama has no clue about? It's about picking on an American company and perhaps because it is owned by a Republican.
It's all very suspicious to me & others.

As for your bald eagle hot dog:happy-very::happy-very::happy-very::happy-very:..........

An old mind is a terrible thing to waste.

You want to make this about jobs? You leave out a factor in this case.. and thats INDIA's LAWS. India law says the wood has to be "finished" in order to be exported out of the country. Now I realize that Facts get in your way of political diatribe, but this is the reality of the case.

A simple spin by a news organization to mis inform their readers and keep the story confused.

You try to make it political, but the facts are the facts. GIBSON knew in 2008 that the DOj was investigating them for the wood, and they tried to go around all the laws by hiring an exporter who was willing to mis label the wood and sneak it into the USA.

What about the facts of the case escape you?



golden ticket member
An old mind is a terrible thing to waste.

You want to make this about jobs? You leave out a factor in this case.. and thats INDIA's LAWS. India law says the wood has to be "finished" in order to be exported out of the country. Now I realize that Facts get in your way of political diatribe, but this is the reality of the case.

A simple spin by a news organization to mis inform their readers and keep the story confused.

You try to make it political, but the facts are the facts. GIBSON knew in 2008 that the DOj was investigating them for the wood, and they tried to go around all the laws by hiring an exporter who was willing to mis label the wood and sneak it into the USA.

What about the facts of the case escape you?


No, I don't want to make this about jobs, but it was mentioned that 40 jobs get lost at Gibson when the wood pieces come from India with the frets already on them. It was in the article and the CEO said it in the interview too. So, they mentioned jobs. India didn't care one way or another and it was U.S. that was enforcing an India law......shoot, they can't even enforce border law here.
D.O.J. (Dumb old jerks)


golden ticket member
I'm tired of the "old" references. The redwoods are old. The sulpher pools at Yellowstone are old. The grand Canyon is old.
It's all relative and I certainly wouldn't want to be your relative.


Strength through joy
So tos, just how did this unfinished wood pass by India's Customs.
I assume that they enforce their own laws, don't they ?
Or is this just a cover story put out there to hide what's really going on ?
The unofficial shakedown on an American Co. by bhos' goons.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No, I don't want to make this about jobs, but it was mentioned that 40 jobs get lost at Gibson when the wood pieces come from India with the frets already on them. It was in the article and the CEO said it in the interview too. So, they mentioned jobs. India didn't care one way or another and it was U.S. that was enforcing an India law......shoot, they can't even enforce border law here.
D.O.J. (Dumb old jerks)

If GIbson would rather unemploy americans because it cant import prohibited wood, then , thats on GIBSON. There is plenty of good wood that is legal and available. The point youre missing is that INDIA law states the wood has to be "finished" before its exported. If that means GIBSON would chose to use the wood, and have the india people comply with their exporting laws, then sobeit.

Im sick of people trying to continue with the mis information campaign launched by republicans to try and twist this issue into a "jobs" issue.

GIBSON broke the law and tried to circumvent two countries laws. Its that simple. There are plenty of guitar makers in this country, and "they" are not breaking any laws.



Strength through joy
" circumvent two countries laws. "

Ok, Mr know it all , I want to see the printed versions of what laws were broken.
And again I ask , just how did this wood get out of India without their own Customs stopping it ?


golden ticket member
Then, tos, there's only one thing you can do.....if you think that Gibson broke the law, then never, ever go to a concert where someone plays a Gibson. Boycott them and you just show them !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
" circumvent two countries laws. "

Ok, Mr know it all , I want to see the printed versions of what laws were broken.
And again I ask , just how did this wood get out of India without their own Customs stopping it ?

Look Babs, I know its easy to follow the right wing dialog when you dont know any better, but you have to apply some common sense to your thinking. GIBSON, has been in trouble with the FEDS for YEARS....did you hear that? YEARS. Going back to the BUSH Administration, the FEDs, and those were BUSH's FEDs were all over GIBSON.

THis action this year against GIBSON has been long going, and a continuous of action going back to the BUSH administration. Maybe knowing all the facts of this case will help you tea party people to understand that what you hear on right wing radio and Foxed Spews is NONSENSE and mis informative.

Heres a story from 2010 explaning GIBSONS trouble with taxes and other violations going back to 2006 (psst, that was under GW BUSH)

Gibson facing tax trouble
IRS files lien against iconic guitar company Published April 12, 2010 by J.R. Lind

Gibson Guitar is in trouble with another federal agency.
The Internal Revenue Service filed a lien against the legendary guitar manufacturer Monday for $445,994 in unpaid corporate and payroll taxes dating back to 2006.

The lien, filed with the Davidson County Register of Deeds, shows Gibson with unpaid 2006 payroll taxes totaling $3,350 and two years of corporate income taxes of $442,644 from 2007 and 2008.
It's the latest chapter in a string of troubles for the music instrument icon. In November 2009, agents from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service raided Gibson's Massman Road manufacturing center.

Sources told the Nashville-based guitar manufacturer was under investigation for violating the Lacey Act, a key piece of environmental law, for importing endangered species of rosewood from Madagascar.

Rosewood is widely used in the construction of guitars and sells for $5,000 per cubic meter, more than double the price of mahogany. The island nation off Africa's east coast is a key producer of the hardwood, the export of which has links to international criminal activity.

In a statement, the company said it was fully co-operating with the investigation and, to date, no charges have been filed.

More recently, Debtwire reported that Gibson's main lenders are pushing CEO Henry Juszkiewicz to improve his company's governance standards and that they're weighing tighter standards. Some also signaled they may at some point consider forcing a restructuring at Gibson.
(end of story)

Now, a company that is being run like this is bound to get itself in alot of trouble. I could care less who plays their guitars or who is famous for a Gibson. The company has been run foolishly, and the CEO should be held responsible.

This next story is from 2009:

Feds Raid Gibson Guitar Plant In Tennessee

Manufacturing.Net - November 18, 2009
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) -- Federal agents on Tuesday raided a Gibson guitar manufacturing plant and seized guitars amid concerns about where the Nashville-based company obtains the fine woods that go into its instruments.
Television stations reported that authorities seized wood guitars and other items, but no one was arrested.
The U.S. Attorney's Office and Gibson officials did not return a call to The Associated Press for comment.
But Gibson did issue a statement saying the company is "fully cooperating with agents of the United States Fish and Wildlife Service as it pertains to an issue with harvested wood."
Guitars and other musical instruments are often built from tropical hardwoods. Amid rainforest depletion, such woods are increasingly the focus of tight controls.
"Gibson is a chain of custody certified buyer who purchases wood from legal suppliers who are to follow all standards," the statement said. "Gibson Guitar Chairman and CEO sits on the board of the Rainforest Alliance and takes the issue of certification very seriously. The company will continue to cooperate fully and assist our federal government with all inquiries and information.

(end story)

How many times does this company have to be questioned about protected "rainforrest wood" before it gets it??

Keep this case in focus Baba, its been in trouble for quite a while and its more than just wood.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Then, tos, there's only one thing you can do.....if you think that Gibson broke the law, then never, ever go to a concert where someone plays a Gibson. Boycott them and you just show them !!

I dont care about the guitars sold one way or the other, I would just like you to focus on the "issue" at hand, instead of repeating the issue provided to you by FOXED SPEWS and

The history of Gibson is clear, they have been in all kinds of trouble for a while. Those of you likely to run with the days stories because thats what youre told to do is what bothers me.



golden ticket member
the replies to you on this board are going to be less and less because you have a caustic way of addressing people. I hope you enjoy talking Canadian goulash!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
the replies to you on this board are going to be less and less because you have a caustic way of addressing people. I hope you enjoy talking Canadian goulash!!

Oh , Im the flamethrower? Give me a break. You all can dish it out, but when it comes to taking it, you all of a sudden develope brittle bones.



golden ticket member
Oh , Im the flamethrower? Give me a break. You all can dish it out, but when it comes to taking it, you all of a sudden develope brittle bones.


I was referring to a request by baba for you not to call him a certain name and you did it again in your last post. That is flaming when someone asked you to stop and you ignore (gee, ignore is like the start of ignorant)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I was referring to a request by baba for you not to call him a certain name and you did it again in your last post. That is flaming when someone asked you to stop and you ignore (gee, ignore is like the start of ignorant)

Baba never TOLD ME to stop anything... he may have told someone else, but it wasnt me.



Well-Known Member
The history of Gibson is clear, they have been in all kinds of trouble for a while.


Well I find that a very interesting statement. Outside the 2009' raid and the recent raid, what other events of law breaking by Gibson have taken place that we might not be aware of? Give us the details! Oh, and beyond the tax trouble story too.

If Gibson is so wrong in the tax trouble area, what does that say of the democrat and republican law makers who themselves are or have been in tax trouble?


golden ticket member
Well I find that a very interesting statement. Outside the 2009' raid and the recent raid, what other events of law breaking by Gibson have taken place that we might not be aware of? Give us the details!
Maybe a Gibson was present while Willie smoked a doobie.......that would make it an acoustic accessory!


Strength through joy
As for Gibson being in trouble for years, first with the IRS does not mean anything.
I used to work in the accounting office for Howard Johnson, you may recall it was a chain of restaurants with orange roofs, a majority of them located along major travel routes. Well my job basically was a go-fer, they had major audits going on sometimes for weeks from other state tax inspectors and mostly all I did was go to the warehouse and find records and bring them back. Some times other auditors never returned the records, making HJ look bad.
So to compare HJ and Gibson as being in trouble of decades is nonsense.
Having outside auditors look at your books is a common practice in business.
Now again , for the third time, show me how India let these woods get pass their own custom inspectors ?
And don't reply that they broke some 100 yr old US law, I want to see what Indian Laws that were "broken ".


Well-Known Member
Maybe a Gibson was present while Willie smoked a doobie.......that would make it an acoustic accessory!

Willie's guitar (nicknamed Trigger) is a Martin N-20 but it's probable that one of the boys in the band plays a Gibson Les Paul. Willie has played Trigger for so long the pick action has worn a hole in it.
